Advanced Database - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Enhanced Entity Relationship Model and Relational Model
22 Questions

1. Discuss query optimization with suitable example. What is the importance of query optimization in database? (4 + 2)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

1) Explain the following terms:

     a) Database performance tuning

     b) UML

     c) Subclass vs Superclass

     d) X Query

     e) Calendars

     f) Active Database

6 marks | Asked in 2072

1. Explain the following terms:

     a) Data replication

     b) UMI

     c) SOL: 2003

     d) Xpath

     e) SOAP

     f) Clustering

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

1. What is query processing? How is it different from query optimization? Discuss cost estimation for relational algebra expressions.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

1. How do you increase performance of the database? Explain any one database performance tuning technique with example. (2+4)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

1. Explain the following terms:

a. Spatial database

b. ECA model

c. Federated DBMS

d. Well-formed and valid XML document

e. GIS

f. Classification and clustering

10 marks | Asked in Model

2. How can you convert an EER design to a relational design? Discuss with suitable example.(6)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

2.What is data fragmentation? Discuss horizontal and vertical fragmentation in detail.

6 marks | Asked in 2076 |

2) What are query optimization techniques? Explain.

6 marks | Asked in 2072

2. What is query processing? How is it different from query optimization? Discuss heuristic query optimization.(1+2+3)

6 marks | Asked in 2075 |

3. Discuss various type constructors used in object-oriented database. How are they used to create complex objects?(4+2)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

3. What are the benefits of using distributed databases? Discuss different types of distributed database systems. (3+3)

6 marks | Asked in 2075 |

4. What is complex object? What is the difference between structured and unstructured complex objects?(1+5)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

5. Define object relational database. Discuss different types of knowledge discovered during data mining.(1+5)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

6) Write a schema that provides tags for a person’s first name, last name, weight, and shoesize. Weight and shoe size tags should have attributes      to designate measuring systems.

6 marks | Asked in 2070

6. What is active database ? Discuss generalized mode for active databases?(2+4)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

7. Discuss how time is represented in temporal databases and compare the different time dimensions.(3+3)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

8. What is data mining ? Discuss different types of knowledge discovered during data mining.(1+5)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

8. Describe the main reasons for the potential advantage for distributed database. What additional functions does it have over centralized DBMS?

6 marks | Asked in 2071 |

9. What is data warehouse ? How does it differ from a databases ?(2+4)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

10. What is mobile database? Discuss mobile computing architecture in detail.(1+5)

6 marks | Asked in 2077

10. Write short notes on:(2x3)

a) Integrity constraint

b) Mobile database

6 marks | Asked in 2075

Unit 2: Object and Object Relational Databases
13 Questions

1. Discuss different constraints of specialization and generalization.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

2) Draw an ER Diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and set of doctors associated with each patient a log of various tests and examinations conducted.

6 marks | Asked in 2070

2. Draw an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of doctors. Associate with each patient a log of various tests and examinations conducted.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

2) How can you convert an ERR design to relational design? Discuss with suitable example.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

2. How does a category differ from a regular shared subclass? What is a category used for? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.


Describe the steps of the algorithm for object database design by EER-to-OO mapping.

10 marks | Asked in Model

3.Why do we need extended ER modeling? Discuss class/subclass relationship with example.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

3) Differentiate between specialization and generalization with example.

6 marks | Asked in 2072

3. Define state of an object. Distinguish between persistent and transient objects.

6 marks | Asked in 2071

3) What is the difference between an object and a..... in the object oriented data model (OOBM)?

6 marks | Asked in 2070

3. Explain the process of EER to relational mapping with example.

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

4) What are the main difference between designing a relational database and an object database?

6 marks | Asked in 2070

8) Distinguish object-oriented database and object relational databases.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

9) What are the advantages and disadvantages of extending the relational data model by means of ORDBMS?

6 marks | Asked in 2070

Unit 3: Query Processing and Optimization
44 Questions

1) Explain the following terms:

     a) Extent

     b) Temporal Database

     c) Degree of homogeneity of DBMS

     d) X Path

     e) Classification and clustering

     f) OLAP

6 marks | Asked in 2070

2. What is mobile computing? Explain its architecture.

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

2. Distinguish multiple inheritance and selective inheritance in OO concepts.

6 marks | Asked in 2071

3) What is OID? How persistent objects are maintained in OO Database?

6 marks | Asked in 2069

3. What is the difference between persistent and transient objects? How persistence is handled in typical OO database systems?

10 marks | Asked in Model

3. Define encapsulation? How is it used to create abstract data types?

6 marks | Asked in 2073

4.How do object relational database support multi-valued and composite attributes? Discuss with example.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

4) Discuss the relative advantages of centralized and distributed database.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

4. Discuss the concept of encapsulation, and tell how it is used to create abstract data types.

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

4. Describe different implementation issues with object relational database system.

10 marks | Asked in Model

4. What is versioning? Why is it important? What is the difference between versions and configurations?

6 marks | Asked in 2073

4. What are the benefits of using object oriented databases over relational databases? Discuss different type of constructors used in object oriented databases. (2+4)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

4) How do single inheritance, multiple inheritance and selective inheritance differ?

6 marks | Asked in 2072

4. Discuss how time is represented in temporal databases and compare the different time dimensions.

6 marks | Asked in 2071

5. What is the difference between structured and unstructured complex object?Differentiate identical versus equal objects with examples.

6 marks | Asked in 2071

5. What are the differences between structured and unstructured complex objects ? Explain

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

5. Discuss different implementation issues related with object relational database. (6)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

5. Discuss the different technique for executing an equijoin of two files located at different sites. What main factors affect the cost of data transfer?


What are the main difference between designing a relational database and an object database?

10 marks | Asked in Model

5.What are the uses of active database? Discuss active database with example.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

5. What is object relational database? Discuss object relational features of SQL.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

5) Discuss some applications of active database. How do spatial databases differ from regular database?

6 marks | Asked in 2070

5) What are the differences between structured and unstructured complex objects? Explain.

6 marks | Asked in 2072

5) Describe different implementation issues with object relational database system.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

6. Define GIS. Discuss different data modeling and representation for GIS data. (1+5)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

6) Discuss the different techniques for executing equijoin of two files located at different sites. What main factors affect the cost of data transfer?

6 marks | Asked in 2069

6. What is temporal database? Explain the terms date, time, timestamp, interval and period.

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

6.Discuss mobile computing architecture. Discuss mobile data management in detail.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

6. Define active database. Discuss some applications of active databases.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of OODBMS?

6 marks | Asked in 2071

7. Define multimedia database. Discuss benefits of multimedia databases. How do you query image database? (1+2+3)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

7. Explain mobile computing architecture with suitable diagram.

10 marks | Asked in Model

7. What is the difference between valid time, transaction time, and bitemporal relations?

6 marks | Asked in 2073

7) Discuss how time is represented in temporal database and compare different time dimensions.

6 marks | Asked in 2072

7) Distinguish between structured and unstructured complex objects.

6 marks | Asked in 2070

7.Why do we need temporal database? Discuss valid time, transaction time and bi-temporal relations.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

8. What is multimedia database? What are the nature of multimedia database and applications?

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

9. Describe the characteristics of mobile computing environment in detail.

6 marks | Asked in 2071

9) Describe multimedia database and what are the different types of multimedia data that are available in current systems?

6 marks | Asked in 2072

10. What is GIS? What are GIS data operations?

5 marks | Asked in 2074

10. Describe the main reasons for and potential advantages for distributed database. What additional functions does it have over centralized DBMS?

10 marks | Asked in Model

10) Enumerate the limitations of conventional database compared to multimedia database.

6 marks | Asked in 2070

10) Explain mobile computing architecture with suitable diagram.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

10.Write short notes on:Deductive database ODMG.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

10. What is mobile database? Discuss the characteristics of mobile environments.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

Unit 4: Distributed Databases, NOSQL Systems, and BigData
11 Questions

1. Explain the following terms:

     a) Data Warehouse

     b) Distribution Transparency

     c) X Query

     d) Distribution transaction

     e) Knowledge base

     f) Classification and clustering

6 marks | Asked in 2071

1) Explain the following terms:

     a) Data mining

     b) ECA model

     c) Spatial database

     d) Specialization and generalization in an ERR model

     e) XML and HTML

     f) GIS

6 marks | Asked in 2069

7.What is data warehouse? Explain the architecture for the functionality of data warehouse.

7.5 marks | Asked in 2074

8. What is data mining? Discuss data mining as a part of knowledge discovery process.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

8) What is data warehouse? List the characteristics of data warehouse.

6 marks | Asked in 2070

8.Discuss benefits and applications of data mining. How is classification different from clustering?

6 marks | Asked in 2076

8. Discuss data warehouse and its functionality. Discuss association rule mining with example. (3+3)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

9. What is a data warehouse? How does it differ from a database?


Describe multimedia database and what are the different types of multimedia data that are available in current systems?

10 marks | Asked in Model

9. What is data warehouse? Discuss the typical functionality of data warehouse.

6 marks | Asked in 2073

9. What is data mining? Discuss association rule mining with example. 

5 marks | Asked in 2074

9) What is a data warehouse? How does it differ from a database?

6 marks | Asked in 2069

Unit 5: Advanced Database Models, Systems, and Applications
10 Questions

6) What are the object relational features that have been included in SQL-99?

6 marks | Asked in 2072

6. Differentiate between attributes and elements in XML? List some of the important attributes used in specifying elements in XML schema.


What is the difference between structured and unstructured complex object? Differentiate identical versus equal objects with examples.

10 marks | Asked in Model

7. What are the differences and similarities between objects and literals in the ODMG object model?

6 marks | Asked in 2071

7) Differentiate between attributes and elements in XML? List some of the important attributes used in specifying elements in XML schema.

6 marks | Asked in 2069

8. What are the difference and similarities between objects and literals in the ODMG Object Model?

10 marks | Asked in Model

8) What are the difference and similarities between objects and literals in the ODMG Object Model?

6 marks | Asked in 2072

9. What is web service? Discuss SOAP in detail. (2+4)

6 marks | Asked in 2075

9.What is web service? Discuss SOAP in detail.

6 marks | Asked in 2076

10) Explain XML schema and XML DTD.

6 marks | Asked in 2072

10. Differentiate between XML schema and XML DTD with suitable example.

6 marks | Asked in 2071