Computer Networks - Unit Wise Questions
1. What are the seven layers of OSI
model? Comparison between these seven layers.
1. Explain the OSI reference model?
1. Explain the functioning of 7 layers
of OST model. What is the necessity of using 7 layers concept in OST model?
1. Why do we need layered protocol architecture? Discuss each layer of TCP/IP architecture along with function of each layer. Compare TCP/IP with OSI model.
1. Explain each layer of TCP/IP model in detail. Compare it with OSI model.
1. What is transmission media? How do guided media differ from unguided media? Explain different types of guided media in detail.(1+2+7)
1. Define protocol. Why do we need
layered protocol architecture? Discuss each layer of TCP/IP protocol
architecture in detail.
1. Explain
the seven layers of OSI model and compare between them.
1. What is
protocol? Why do we need layered protocol architecture? Explain each layer of
OSI protocol architecture in detail.
Explain the various layers of TCP/IP. Also, list protocols used in each
2. What is flow control? Explain Stop-and-Wait ARQ with suitable example. How is it different from Go-Back-N ARQ? (2+5+3)
3. Explain link state routing with example.(10)
3. What do you mean by Internet
Protocol Stack?
3. What do you mean by Internet
Protocol Stack?
3. Explain client server system. How
is it different from peer to peer system?
4. Define network topology. Explain ring topology along with its merits and demerits.
5. Explain LAN with example. How is it different from PAN?
4. Explain client/ server network. How is it different from peer to peer network? (3+2)
5. What is CSMA / CD ? Why is there no need for CSMA/CD on a full-duplex Ethernet LAN?(2.5+2.5)
6. Write subnet ID and broadcast address of each subnet if you divide a class B network in 4 different subnets. What is the new subnet mask?
7. Explain the structure of IPv6 address. Compare IPv6 address with IPv4 address.(3+2)
8. What is virtual circuit network? Explain ATM as a virtual circuit wide area network.(2+3)
9. What is routing table? Differentiate static routing table with dynamic routine table.(2+3)
10. What is open-loop congestion control? Compare it with closed-loop congestion control.(2+3)
11. What are the different approaches for multimedia streaming? Explain.(5)
12. Write short note on(any two)(2*2.5)
a. Blackbone network
1. Define
transmission media. Discuss different guided and unguided transmission in
Define transmission media.
Differentiate between guided and unguided transmission media. Discuss each guided
transmission media in detail.
What is transmission media? Discuss
each transmission media in detail.
2. Define transmission media. What are different types of transmission media. Explain different types of unguided media in detail.
What is packet switching? Discuss store-and-forward
transmission of packet switching.
3. What is circuit-switching? How it is different from packet switching?
7. What is switching? Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and packet-switched network.
What is virtual circuit network? How is it different
from datagram network?
7. Differentiate between broadband and
base band services.
b. Bridge
3. Define flow control. Explain Go-Back-N ARQ with suitable example. How is it different from Stop-and-Wait ARQ?
2. Explain how does CRC detect the
errors with multiple bits? Given message is M(x)=x7+x4+x3+x2+1
and the generator is G(x)=x3+1. Show the actual bit string
transmitted, suppose the third bit from the left is inverted during the
transmission. Show how the error is
detected at the receiver’s end.
Discuss error detection and correction scenario.
Explain cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error detection technique with example.
Explain the responsibilities of data link layer in
the internet model.
4. Explain how slatted Aloha improves
the performance of system over pure Aloha.
5. What do you mean by pipelined
reliable data transfer protocol?
Explain the point to point to protocol (PPP) with
7. Discuss CRC as an error detection
7. Explain the point to point protocol
7. How does the system correct error
after error detection?
Write down the technique used in the 802.12 protocol
for wireless networks?
Differentiate between ATM and frame relay.
8. Why do we need wireless LAN? Explain the architecture of IEEE 802.11 in detail.
8. Define data link layer and its
8. What is random access protocol? Discuss ALOHA in detail.
Differentiate between ALOHA and slotted ALOHA
8. How does ATM differ from frame
relay? List and briefly define the ATM service classes.
9. Explain on ALOHA and slotted ALOHA
Discuss channel partitioning protocol. What is TDMA?
11. Explain the Asynchronous transfer
mode (ATM).
c. Hamming distance
What do you mean by routing?
Differentiate between Non-adaptive algorithm and adaptive algorithm.
What do you mean by link state routing algorithm?
Differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6.
routing. Discuss distance-vector routing algorithm with example.
Assume a class B network. Divide this network in 16 different sub-networks. What is new subnet mask?
2. Discuss
the importance of routing algorithm. Discuss distance vector routing algorithm.
Compare it with link state routing.
2. What is routing? Discuss link state
routing algorithm in detail.
2. Explain
the purpose of subnetting and also explain the subnet mask.
2. Why do we need routing algorithm?
Discuss distance vector routing algorithm in detail.
Explain the Internet Control Message Protocol
6. Define routing table. Differentiate static routing table with dynamic routing table.
6. What do you mean by IP datagram
6. What do you mean by hierarchical
Assume a class C network and divide it into eight
subnets. What is the value of new subnet mask?
6. Explain network service model.
6. Why routing is important in a
computer network? Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive routing
6. Assume a class B network and divide
it into four subnets. What is the value of new subnet mask?
6. What is subnetting? Assume a class
C network and divide it into four subnets. What is the value of new subnet
7. What is static routing? How is it different from dynamic routing?
7. Explain IPV4 addressing.
7. Explain the multicasting routine
and its applications.
What is IP? Discuss different classes of IPv4
8. What do you mean by network address
8. What do you mean by multicasting
9. What is NAT? How does it work? What are its benefits?
9. Explain the Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP).
9. Compare and contrast the IPv4 and
IPv6 header files. Do they have any fields common?
10. In a block of address, we know the IP Address of one host is What are the first address(network address) and the last address (limited broadcast address) in this block?
What is multicast routing? Discuss.
11. Write short notes on:
a. Multicasting routing
b. Point-to-point protocol
Write short notes on:
Network management
1. Discuss the relationship between
transport layer and network layer. Discuss TCP as a transport layer protocol
along with its segment structure.
What do you mean by TCP? Explain
the TCP structure?
What are the main relationship
between transport layer and network layer? What are the transport layer uses in
How does transport layer support flow control?
Discuss TCP as a transport layer protocol along with its segment structure.
2. Explain the congestion control
principle and its approaches.
2. Define multiplexing. What are the benefits of using multiplexing? Discuss Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat protocol in detail.
2. Explain the congestion control
algorithm with example.
3. Explain the connection oriented and
connectionless service.
3. What is connection oriented
service? Differentiate it with connectionless service.
Explain connectionless service. How is it different
from connection oriented service?
3. What are sliding window protocol?
Explain one-bit sliding window protocol with an appropriate diagram.
What do you mean by TCP push operation?
How does multiplexing increases transmission
efficiency? Explain.
4. Differentiate between transport layer and network layer
5. Discuss the importance of
multiplexing in data communication.
5. Explain the principle of congestion
5. Explain the pipelined reliable data
transfer protocol.
5. Why do we need multiplexing in data
communication? Discuss.
What is connectionless transport? Differentiate TCP
with UDP.
5. What are the causes of congestion? Discuss leaky bucket algorithm.
6. Discuss different fields of UDP. How is it different from TCP?
How can we use token-bucket algorithm to control
congestion? Discuss.
10. Define multiplexing. Discuss the
need for multiplexing in network system.
10. Discuss the importance of congestion
control in data communication.
10. What is congestion control? Why do
we need it?
12. Write short notes on (any two):
a. Connection-oriented service
1. Explain the principles of
application layer protocols. What do you mean by file transfer?
2. Define DNS. Explain the DNS records
and DNS messages.
Why do we need DNS? Discuss different fields in the
DNS message.
4. Differentiate between DNS records
and DNS messages.
4. Discuss the working principle of
4. Explain the working principle of
4. Discuss different services provided by DNS.
4. Discuss HTTP in detail.
What is FTP? Differentiate it with HTTP.
Discuss the idea used in public key encryption
11. Why do we need a DNS system when we can directly use an IP address? what is domain name space?
Write short notes on:
11. What is meant by “domain name”? How
is a domain name translated to an equivalent IP address? Explain with the help
of an example.
11. Write short notes on:
b. Backbone
11. Write short note on:
a. DNS
5. Describe multimedia networking and
its various applications.
Discuss about streaming audio and video.
8. Discuss multimedia networking
8. Explain the importance of
multimedia network.
9. Mention the types of multimedia
networking applications.
9. Why is network management an
important task?
9. Why is network management a
challenging task?
Discuss the infrastructure for network management.
9. Discuss HTTP video streaming in detail.
10. What are the various types of
multimedia networking application?
10. What are the applications of multimedia
networking? Discuss audio streaming
What are the applications of multimedia networking?
10. What is network management ? Discuss different areas of network management.
10. What are the key components of
network management architecture?
10. What are the various applications
of multimedia networking?
11. Explain the network management
architecture with suitable diagram.
Mention the intra structure for network management.
11. What type of intra structure is
needed for network management?
b. Streaming audio and video