DotNet Technology - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Introducing C# and the .NET framework
10 Questions

2. Differentiate Object Oriented Programming and Object Based Programming. Explain some of the major features of C# language.   [2+3]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

3. Explain overview of Microsoft .NET framework and its components in detail.  [5]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

4. What do you mean by property in C# language? How it is different from method? Compare automatic property with other types of property with suitable example.  [1+1+3]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

5. Define constructor. Explain different types of constructors used in C# with example.  [1+4]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

6. Define inheritance. Write a C# program to demonstrate multilevel and multiple inheritance.  [1+2+2]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

7. What is generics? List different types of generic classes. Explain delegate with example.  [1+1+3]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

8. What do you mean by lambda expression? Explain different types of lambda expression used in C# with example.  [1+4]

5 marks | Asked in 2020

9. a) Write a program to create user registration form in one ASP.NET web page and display filled data in another page.  [7]

    b) Write a program for handling exception in ASP.NET.  [3] 

10 marks | Asked in 2020

10. a) How virtual method is used to achieve dynamic binding in C#? Explain with the help of suitable program.  [1+4]

      b) Define operator overloading. Write a C# program to overload binary operator.  [1+4]

10 marks | Asked in 2020

11. a) What is LINQ? Write a program to select employees whose salary is greater than 20000 and whose address is kathmandu using LINQ.  [1+4]

      b) Write a C# program to show insert and select operation in database.  [5]

10 marks | Asked in 2020

Unit 2: The C# Language Basics
0 Questions
Unit 3: Creating Types in C#
0 Questions
Unit 4: Advanced C#
0 Questions