Society and Ethics in Information Technology - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Introduction
23 Questions

1. What is intellectual property? How do you protect such property using copyright, patient, and trade secret? Explain.(2+8)

10 marks | Asked in 2076

1. What significant role does media and communication play in social and cultural change? Explain with respect to real examples. (10)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question |

2. List out different forms that ethical codes can take depending on domain. Summarize ACM code of ethics and professional conduct. (2+8)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

2. Define ethics and ethical theory. What are the different ethical theories? Explain.(2+8)

10 marks | Asked in 2076

3. Explain the role of E-governance for the development of the nation with respect to relevantcase study. You should write Title of the case study, a short summary, Strengths and Weaknesses, vision and Conclusion.(10)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

3. What is digital divide? Explain different enablers of the digital divide.(2+8)

10 marks | Asked in 2076

4. Compare and contrast on personal ethics and professional ethics.(5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

4.What are different applications of sociology? Discuss.(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

5. What are the merits of computer ethics in education?(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

5. List down the features of a developing countries. Highlight on the development planning strategies. (1+4)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

7. “There are a multitude of causes andenablers, and as long as these exist in any society, the digital divide will exist.” Justify the statement.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

6. Has the internet made software protection easier or more difficult? Why or why not?(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

7. What is electronic employee monitoring? What are the consequences of electronic monitoring?(2+3)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

8. Why SLA is important? Explain different layers of SLAs based on the product and the user of the product. (1+4)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

8. What are the causes of software failure?(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

9. List out different types of Virtual Reality. Explain social and ethical implication of virtualization.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

9. What is software risk? How do you assess and manage software risks?(1+4)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

10. What is the effect of globalization on morality?

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

10. Discuss ethical implications of AI.(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

11. Discuss about the problems that may arise by the reuse of existing software components.

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

12. Write short notes on: (2 × 2.5 = 5)

a. Implied warranties

b. Cyber bullying

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

11. Discuss with example storage virtualization and application virtualization.(5)

5 marks | Asked in 2076

12. Write short notes on:(2x2.5)

a. indicators of development

b. Cyberspace

5 marks | Asked in 2076

Unit 2: Social and cultural change
0 Questions
Unit 3: Understanding development
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Unit 4: Process of transformation
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Unit 5: Ethics and Ethical Analysis
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Unit 6: Intellectual Property Rights and Computer Technology
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Unit 7: Social Context of Computing
0 Questions
Unit 8: Software Issues
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Unit 9: New Frontiers for Computer Ethics
0 Questions