Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions

9.  What is the difference between symbolic and non-symbolic AI? Represent the following knowledge in semantic network.

Robin is bird

Clyde is a Robin

Clyde owns a nest from spring 2014 to fall 2014 

6 marks | Asked in 2071

Symbolic AI: 

  • Symbolic AI refers to the fact that all steps are based on symbolic human readable representations of the problem that use logic and search to solve problem.
  • Key advantage of Symbolic AI is that the reasoning process can be easily understood – a Symbolic AI program can easily explain why a certain conclusion is reached and what the reasoning steps had been.
  • A key disadvantage of Symbolic AI is that for learning process – the rules and knowledge has to be hand coded which is a hard problem.

Non-symbolic AI:

  • Non-symbolic AI systems do not manipulate a symbolic representation to find solutions to problems. Instead, they perform calculations according to some principles that have demonstrated to be able to solve problems without exactly understanding how to arrive at the solution.
  • Examples of Non-symbolic AI include genetic algorithms, neural networks and deep learning.
  • A key disadvantage of Non-symbolic AI is that it is difficult to understand how the system came to a conclusion. This is particularly important when applied to critical applications such as self-driving cars, medical diagnosis among others

Semantic network of given knowledge: