Computer Networks - Syllabus

Course Overview and Structure

Embark on a profound academic exploration as you delve into the Computer Networks course () within the distinguished Tribhuvan university's CSIT department. Aligned with the 2074 Syllabus, this course (CSC258) seamlessly merges theoretical frameworks with practical sessions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Rigorous assessment based on a 60 + 20 + 20 marks system, coupled with a challenging passing threshold of , propels students to strive for excellence, fostering a deeper grasp of the course content.

This 3 credit-hour journey unfolds as a holistic learning experience, bridging theory and application. Beyond theoretical comprehension, students actively engage in practical sessions, acquiring valuable skills for real-world scenarios. Immerse yourself in this well-structured course, where each element, from the course description to interactive sessions, is meticulously crafted to shape a well-rounded and insightful academic experience.

Course Description: This course introduces concept of computer networking and discuss the

different layers of networking model.

Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to introduce the understanding of the

concept of computer networking with its layers, topologies, protocols & standards, IPv4/IPv6

addressing, Routing and Latest Networking Standards.


Introduction to Computer Network

1.1. Definitions, Uses, Benefits

1.2. Overview of Network Topologies (Star, Tree, Bus,...)

1.3. Overview of Network Types (PAN, LAN, CAN, MAN,...)

1.4. Networking Types (Client/Server, P2P)

1.5. Overview of Protocols and Standards

1.6. OSI Reference Model

1.7. TCP/IP Models and its comparison with OSI.

1.8. Connection and Connection-Oriented Network Services

1.9. Internet, ISPs, Backbone Network Overview

Physical Layer and Network Media

2.1. Network Devices: Repeater, Hub, Switch, Bridge, Router

2.2. Different types of transmission medias (wired: twisted pair, coaxial, fiber optic, Wireless:

Radio waves, micro waves, infrared)

2.3. Ethernet Cable Standards (UTP & Fiber cable standards)

2.4. Circuit, Message & Packet Switching

2.5. ISDN: Interface and Standards

Data Link Layer

3.1. Function of Data Link Layer (DLL)

3.2. Overview of Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC)

3.3. Framing and Flow Control Mechanisms

3.4. Error Detection and Correction techniques

3.5. Channel Allocation Techniques (ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA)

3.6. Ethernet Standards (802.3 CSMA/CD, 802.4 Token Bus, 802.5 Token Ring)

3.7. Wireless LAN: Spread Spectrum, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

3.8. Overview Virtual Circuit Switching, Frame Relay& ATM

3.9. DLL Protocol: HDLC, PPP

Network Layer

4.1. Introduction and Functions

4.2. IPv4 Addressing & Sub-netting

4.3. Class-full and Classless Addressing

4.4. IPv6 Addressing and its Features

4.5. IPv4 and IPv6 Datagram Formats

4.6. Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing

4.7. Example Addresses: Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast

4.8. Routing

4.8.1. Introduction and Definition

4.8.2. Types of Routing (Static vs Dynamic, Unicast vs Multicast, Link State vs Distance Vector, Interior vs Exterior)

4.8.3. Path Computation Algorithms: Bellman Ford, Dijkstra’s

4.8.4. Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF & BGP

4.9. Overview of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanisms

4.10. Overview of ICMP/ICMPv6&NATing

4.11. Overview of Network Traffic Analysis

4.12. Security Concepts: Firewall & Router Access Control

Transport Layer

5.1. Introduction, Functions and Services

5.2. Transport Protocols: TCP, UDP and Their Comparisons

5.3. Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services

5.4. Congestion Control: Open Loop & Closed Loop, TCP Congestion Control

5.5. Traffic Shaping Algorithms: Leaky Bucket & Token Bucket

5.6. Queuing Techniques for Scheduling

5.7. Introduction to Ports and Sockets, Socket Programming

Application Layer

6.1. Introduction and Functions

6.2. Web &HTTP

6.3. DNS and the Query Types

6.4. File Transfer and Email Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3

6.5. Overview of Application Server Concepts: Proxy, Web, Mail

6.6. Network Management: SNMP

Multimedia &Future Networking

7.1. Overview Multimedia Streaming Protocols: SCTP

7.2. Overview of SDN and its Features, Data and Control Plane

7.3. Overview of NFV

7.4. Overview of NGN

Lab works

Laboratory works:

The lab activities under this subject should accommodate at least the following

1Understanding of Network equipment, wiring in details

Practice on basic Networking commands (ifconfig/ipconfig, tcpdump, netstat, dnsip,

hostname, route)

3Overview of IP Addressing and sub-netting, static ip setting on Linux/windows
machine, testing
4Introduction to Packet Tracer, creating of a LAN and connectivity test in the LAN,
creation of VLAN and VLAN trunking.
5Basic Router Configuration, Static Routing Implementation
6Implementation of Dynamic/interior/exterior routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP)
7Firewall Implementation, Router Access Control List (ACL)
8Packet capture and header analysis by wire-shark (TCP,UDP,IP)
9Basic concept of DNS, Web, FTP (shall use packet tracer, GNS3)