Network Programming - Syllabus

Course Overview and Structure

Embark on a profound academic exploration as you delve into the Network Programming course () within the distinguished Tribhuvan university's BCA department. Aligned with the BCA Curriculum, this course (CACS355) seamlessly merges theoretical frameworks with practical sessions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Rigorous assessment based on a 60+20+20 marks system, coupled with a challenging passing threshold of , propels students to strive for excellence, fostering a deeper grasp of the course content.

This 3 credit-hour journey unfolds as a holistic learning experience, bridging theory and application. Beyond theoretical comprehension, students actively engage in practical sessions, acquiring valuable skills for real-world scenarios. Immerse yourself in this well-structured course, where each element, from the course description to interactive sessions, is meticulously crafted to shape a well-rounded and insightful academic experience.

Course Description 

This course is designed to extend students' knowledge and practice in analysis and design of computer networks by focusing on computer network programming. It includes introduction, Internet Address, URLs and URis, HTTP, URLConnections, Socket Programming, IP Multicast and RMI. The JAVA programming language will be used throughout the course. It does not entirely focus on theoretical concept but also strongly focuses on practical skill based knowledge.

Course objectives 

The general objectives of this course are to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge of network programming to make students capable of developing, implementing, managing and troubleshooting the issues of network programming in their personal as well professional life.



1.1 Network Programing Features and Scope

1.2 Network Programming Language, Tools & Platforms

1.3 Client and Server Applications

1.4 Client server model and software design

Internet Addresses

2.1 The InetAddress Class: Creating New InetAddress Objects, Getter 

2.2 Methods, Address Types, Testing Reachability and Object Methods 

2.3 Inet4Address and lnet6Address

2.4 The Network Interface Class: Factory Method & Getter Method

2.5 Some Useful Programs: SpamCheck, Processing Web Server Logfiles

URLs and URIs

3.1 URIs: URLs and Relative URLs

3.2 The URL Class: Creating New URLs, Retrieving Data From a URL, Splitting a URL into Pieces, Equality & Comparison and Conversion 

3.3 The URI Class: Constructing a URI, The Parts of the URI, Resolving Relative URIs, Equality & Comparison and String Representation 

3.4 x-www-form-urlencoded: URL Encoder and URL Decoder

3.5 Proxies: System Properties, The ProxyClass and The ProxySelector Class

3.6 Communicating with Server-Side Programs Through GET

3.7 Accessing Password-Protected Sites: The Authenticator Class, The PasswordAuthentication Class and The JPasswordField Class


4.1 The protocol: Keep-Alive 

4.2 HTTP Methods

4.3 The Request Body

4.4 Cookies: CookieManager and CookiesStore


5.1 Openning URLConnections

5.2 Reading Data from Server

5.3 Reading Header: Retrieving specific Header Fields and Retrieving Arbitrary Header Fields

5.4 Cache: Web Cache for Java

5.5 Configuring the Connection: protected URL url, protected boolean connected, protected boolean allowUserInteraction, protected boolean dolnput, protected boolean doOutput, protected boolean ifModificationSince, protected boolean useCaches and Timeouts

5.6 Configuring the Client Request HTTP Header

5.7 Security Considerations for URLConnections

5.8 Guessing MIME Media Types

5.9 HttpURLConnection: The Request Methods, Disconnecting from the Server, Handling Server Responses, Proxies and Streaming Mode

Socket for Clients

6.1 Introduction to Socket

6.2 Using Sockets: Investigating Protocols with telnet, Reading from Servers with Sockets, Writing to Servers with Sockets

6.3 Constructing and connecting Sockets: Basic Constructors, Picking a Local Interface to Connect From, Constructing Without Connecting, Socket Addresses and Proxy Servers

6.4 Getting Information about a Socket: Closed or Connected?, toString() 


6.6 Socket in GUI Applications: Whois and A Network Client Library

Socket for Servers

7.1 Using ServerSockets: Serving Binary Data, Multithreaded Servers, Writing to Servers with Sockets and Closing Server Sockets

7.2 Logging: What to Log and How to Log

7.3 Constructing Server Sockets: Constructing Without Binding 

7.4 Getting Information about Server Socket

7.5 Socket Options: SO_TIMEOUT, SO_RSUMEADDR, SO_RCVBUF  and Class of Service

7.6 HTTP Servers: A Single File Server, A Redirector and A Full-Fledged HTTP Server

Secure Socket

8.1 Secure Communication

8.2 Creating Secure Client Sockets 

8.3 Event Handlers

8.4 Session Management

8.5 Client Mode

8.6 Creating Secure Server Socket

8.7 Configure SSLServerSockets: Choosing the Cipher Suits, Session Management and Client Mode

Nonblocking I/O

9.1 An Example Client and Server

9.2 Buffers: Creating Buffers, Filling and Draining, Bulk Methods, Data Conversion, View Buffers, Compacting Buffers, Duplicating Buffers, Slicing Buffers, Marking and Resetting, Object Methods

9.3 Channels: SocketChannel, ServerSocketChannel, The Channels Class, Asynchronous Channels, Socket Options

9.4 Readiness Selection: The Selector Class, The SelectionKey Class


10.1 UDP Protocol

10.2 UDP Clients

10.3 UDP Servers

10.4 The DatagramPacket Class: The Constructor, The get Methods, The setter Methods

10.5 The DatagramSocket Class: The Constructor, Sending and Receiving Datagrams, Managing Connections


10.7 UDP Applications: Simple UDP Clients, UDPServer and A UDP Echo Client

10.8 DatagramChannel: Using DatagramChannel

IP Multicast

11.1 Multicasting: Multicast Address and Groups, Clients and Servers, 

Routers and Routing

11.2 Working with Multicast Sockets: The Constructor, Communicating 

 with a Group

Remote Method Invocation

12.1 Defining and Implementing RMI Service Interface 

12.2 Creating an RMI Server and Client

12.3 Running the RM1 System

Lab works

Laboratory Work

Laboratory work should be done covering all the topics listed above and a small project work should be carried out using the concept learnt in this course using Java programming Language.