Data Structures and Algorithms - Old Questions
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4. What are the difference between two dimension array and multidimension array?
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Two dimension (2D) array:
A two-dimensional array is nothing but a matrix, that has rows and columns in it. For e.g.
int a[3][4];
float b[10][10];
Multidimensional array :
Any array which has a dimension higher than One is a multidimensional array. 2D array is also a multidimensional array.
E.g. of 3D array
int a[3][2][4];
Here, the first subscript specifies a plane number, the second subscript a row number and the third a column number.
Every 2D array is a multidimensional array but the other way round is not necessary(for example a 3D array is also a multidimensional array but its surely not 2D).