Software Engineering - Old Questions
1.Differentiate between software process and software process model.
A software process is a set of related activities that leads
to the production of the software. These activities may involve the development
of the software from the scratch, or, modifying an existing system.
software process must include the following four activities:
1. Software specification (or
requirements engineering): Define the main functionalities of the software and
the constrains around them.
2. Software
design and implementation: The software is to be designed
and programmed.
3. Software verification and validation:
The software must conforms to it’s specification and meets the customer needs.
4. Software evolution (software
maintenance): The software is being modified to meet customer and market
requirements changes.
A software process model is the abstract representation of a software process. It is a structure of a software process present the description of a process. Each process model represents a process from a particular perspective.
Examples of process perspectives:
- Workflow perspective represents inputs, outputs and dependencies.
- Data-flow perspective represents data transformation activities.
- Role/action perspective represents the role/activities of the people involved in software process.
There are several
process models are available
1. Waterfall model
2. Generic process model
3. Incremental model
4. Agile process model
5. Prototyping model
6. Spiral model
7. Iterative development model, etc.