Automation and Robotics - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Introduction
12 Questions

1. Where can the concept of pneumatic drive be used? Derive the equation of HP of motor. (4+6)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

2. Explain different path planning approaches in detail. (10)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

3. Differentiate between mechanical gripper, magnetic gripper and suction/vacuum gripper. What are the factors that should be considered while selecting and designing grippers? Derive the required magnitude of the gripper force. (3+3+4)

10 marks | Asked in Model Question

4. State Asimov’s laws of robotics. Explain major components of robotics. (2+3)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

5. Describe machine vision with necessary figures. (5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

6. Determine a transformation ‘T’ matrix that represents a rotation of ‘α’ angle about the OX axis followed by a translation of ‘b’ units along the rotated OV axis. (5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

7. Differentiate between pneumatic and electronic force control respectively. List their advantages and disadvantages. (2+3)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

8. How can hill climbing techniques be implemented in robotics? What are its limitations.(3+2)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

9. How process control tuning can be achieved? (5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

10. Highlight on the challenges of robot cell design. (5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

11. How inverse kinematics problem can be solved. Explain with necessary figures and equations. (5)

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

12. Write short notes on: (2 × 2.5 = 5)

a. Robot programming languages

b. Power wall

5 marks | Asked in Model Question

Unit 2: Power Sources and Sensors
0 Questions
Unit 3: Manipulators, Actuators, and Grippers
0 Questions
Unit 4: Kinematics and Path Planning
0 Questions
Unit 5: Process Control
0 Questions
Unit 6: Case Studies
0 Questions