C Programming 2078

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / First Semester / Science
Information Technology ( BIT102 )
( C Programming )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours

Section A

Long Answer Questions.

Attempt any two questions.        (2 x 10 = 20)

1. What is an expression and operator? Discuss operator associativity in C. Write a program to find factorial of a given integer using recursion.        (2+3+5)

10 marks view

2. What is an Identifier and Keyword? Explain the rules for naming valid Identifiers in C with example. Write a program to convert a given string to lowercase without using any library functions.    (3+2+5)

10 marks view

3. What are different data types available in C along with their respective range? Write a program to check whether a given integer is palindrome or not.        (5+5)

10 marks view

Section B

Short Answer Questions.

Attempt any eight questions.        (8 x 5 = 40)

4. What is the basic structure of a C program? Explain each part.

5 marks view

5. How break statement is different from continue statement? Explain with suitable example.    (1+4)

5 marks view

6. What do you mean by multi-dimensional array? Write a program to display the sum of two m x n matrices.    (1+4)

5 marks view

7. Write a program to create a file "duplicate" that contains the exact copy of file "original".

5 marks view

8. Explain any four input/output functions used in C language with suitable example.

5 marks view

9. Write a program to generate the following pattern of integers.


5 marks view

10. Write a program to find smallest element of any array using a pointer.

5 marks view

11. Write a program to store and display basic information (Roll, name, address, email, and phone) of students using a structure.

5 marks view

12. Write Short Notes on        (2.5+2.5)

    a. Escape Sequence

    b. Null Pointer

5 marks view