Computer Fundamentals and Applications - Unit Wise Questions

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer System
11 Questions

11. Define Computer. Explain the anatomy of digital computer with block diagram.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

2. What is computer interface? Describe a mainframe computer's essential feature.
5 marks | Asked in 2021

3.What kind of programs fall under the utility category? Describe a utility program you have on your computer.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

15. What is WWW? Differentiate between database intranet, extranet, and internet with example.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

16. What are contemporary technologies ? Explain any two contemporary technologies with roles.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

7. Write down characteristics and applications of laser printer.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

17. Write the DOS commands to complete following tasks.

a) Create sub directory theory and practical inside d:\\exam\\

b) Create the file name marks.txt with CFAmarks.txt

c) Rename the file name marks.txt with CFAmarks.txt.

d) Make hidden the file CFAmarks.txt.

e) Search the all files with .pdf extension.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

8. How would you describe web architecture? Give an illustration of how data flows in a web architecture.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

18. i) You are provided following data:

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Write the formula in spread sheet package to calculate following on basis on given conditions:

1. Calculate Total marks.

2. Calculate Percentage

3. Mark the student with either "PASS" or "FAIL"(Pass Marks 35)

4. Calculate the division [if percentage>=60 then first,if percentage>=45 and percentage<60 then Second, if percentage <45 then Third otherwise"xxx"]

ii) Explain the features of Font control tools in word processing package.

10 marks | Asked in Model Questions

19. i) Define computer peripherals. Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers.

ii) Define Presentation. Write the features of good presentation package.

10 marks | Asked in Model Questions

20. Define CMYK color model. Explain the basic tools and transforms available in Photoshop.

10 marks | Asked in Model Questions

Unit 2: Computer Software
1 Questions

4. What role does the operating system plays in managing resources? Give an example to illustrate.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

Unit 3: Operating System
1 Questions

12. Define Operating System. Explain the functions of Operating System.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

Unit 4: Database Management System
2 Questions

13. Define DBMS. Explain the different database models with the merits and demerits.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

5. Who supervise the databases in the organization? What tasks and obligations are under the scope of the database administrator.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

Unit 5: Data Communication and computer Network
2 Questions

14. Explain the different types of LAN topologies with their advantages and disadvantages.

5 marks | Asked in Model Questions

6. Using a suitable example, describe how a network might lower office overhead.

5 marks | Asked in 2021

Unit 6: Internet and WWW
0 Questions
Unit 7: Contemporary Technologies
0 Questions