Computer Graphics 2075( Old Course)

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
2075( Old Course)
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC209 )
( Computer Graphics )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions:(6 x 10 = 60)

1. Differentiate between parallel and perspective protection.

6 marks view

2. Compare and contrast between Gouraud and phong shading model.

6 marks view

3. After rotating a triangle with vertex A(0, 0), B(1, 7), C(9, 2)in 60 degree anticlockwise about point (10, 10) what will be the new vertex values?

6 marks view

4. How would you reflect an object about a line y = 4x? Explain the steps with the matrices.

6 marks view

5. How can a circle be scan converted using the mid point approach? How can the same goal be achieved if the starting point is (r, 0) and moving in the anti clockwise direction.

6 marks view

6. What are the key issues prevalent in producing a Virtual reality scene? Explain different hardware and software used for this purpose.

6 marks view

7. How would you digitize a line with end points A(6, 12) and B(10, 5) using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm?

6 marks view

8. On an average it takes 20 nano seconds for a Raster Graphics system to access the pixel value from the frame buffer and glow the phosphor dot on the screen. If the total resolution of the screen is 640 x 480 will this access rate produce a flickering effect?


Digitize the octant of the circle with radius r = 7 and center (20, 30).

6 marks view

9. What is the differences between a window and a viewport? Why is required to map an object from a window to a viewport? Explain

6 marks view

10. What is the significance of vanishing points in perspective Projection? Explain how Z- Buffer algorithm is used for visible surface detection.


Explain boundary representations techniques to represent the 3D object with suitable example.

6 marks view