Data Structures and Algorithms Model Question

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Information Technology ( BIT201 )
( Data Structures and Algorithms )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours

Section A

Long Answer Questions

Attempt any 2 questions.     [2*10=20]

1. Differentiate stack with queue? Trace an algorithm for converting infix expression to postfix for the following infix expression.


10 marks view

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of linked list over an array? Discuss algorithms for inserting a node at front position of the linked list and deleting its last item in singly linked list. 

10 marks view

3. Define sorting problem. Trace quick sort algorithm for the following given list of data and also discuss about its time complexity.

                    78   45   23  89  65   12   90   33

10 marks view

Section B

Short Answer Questions

Attempt any eight questions.     [8 × 5 = 40]

4. Define ADT? Explain the benefits of using ADT?

5 marks view

5. Why circular queue is advantageous over linear queue? Write algorithm for enqueue and isfull operation for circular queue.

5 marks view

6. Define recursive algorithm. Write recursive TOH algorithm?

5 marks view

7. Is hashing better than binary search algorithm? Give reasons. Define any two collision resolution techniques. 

5 marks view

8. What is a Binary Search Tree? Write an algorithm for searching an item in a binary search tree.

5 marks view

9. What are the different traversing methods in a binary tree? Explain with a clear example

5 marks view

10. What is a circular linked list? How can you traverse all nodes in a singly linked list?

5 marks view

11. Trace Prim’s Algorithm to find minimum spanning tree for the following graph.


5 marks view

12. Write short notes on: (2 × 2.5 = 5)

        a. Analysis of Algorithm

        b. Representation of Graph

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