Database Management System Model Question

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Information Technology ( BIT202 )
( Database Management System )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours

Section A

Long Answer Questions

Attempt any TWO questions.         [2×10=20]

1. Consider a database system with following schemas; [10]

        Hospital(hname, haddress, hspecilaity)

        Doctor(did, dname, dspecilization, )

        Worksat(did, hname, workinghrs)

        Pharmacy(phname, hname, no_of_sales, total_revenue)

Now write SQL statements and relational algebra statements for following queries;

    a. Select name of all doctors having specialization “gyno”.

    b. Select the name and address of hospital where working hours is “day”.

    c. Using natural join select the name of doctors whose working hours are “night”.

    d. Find the average salary of the doctors.

    e. Find names of hospital and their pharmacy which generate revenue more than 10000. Sort the result in descending order on the basis of pharmacy name. 

10 marks view

2. What do you mean by weak entity and partial key? Design an ER diagram for following scenario;  [3+7]

In film industry, producers produce movies. Producers have their name, age and budget as attributes. They are uniquely identified by prod_id. All the movies have their title, year, and release date. No movies can have same title. Every movies must be played by actor. An actor can play many movies. Actors have Fname and Lname to uniquely identify them. The actors have charge_rate as well. A single movie can have many producers and a producer can produce many movies. 

10 marks view

3. Define serial, non-serial and serilizable schedules with example. How can you test serializability in a schedule, illustrate with an example?     [6+4]

10 marks view

Section B

Short Answer Questions

Attempt any EIGHT questions.         [8×5=40]

4. What is data independence? How three schema architecture ensures logical and physical data independence?

5 marks view

5. What do you mean by generalization specialization in EER? Illustrate with examples.

5 marks view

6. Define domain constraint and referential integrity constraint. 

5 marks view

7. Why normalization is needed in database design? Describe third normal form with an example.

5 marks view

8. Show how lost update and incorrect summary problem might occur in concurrent execution of transactions.

5 marks view

9. Define Outer Join in SQL. Given following relations, show the results of left and right out Joins. [1.5+3.5]


5 marks view

10. What is shadow paging? How it is used for database recovery?     [3+2]

5 marks view

11. Differentiate structured and unstructured data. List the advantages of NoSQL.     [2.5+2.5]

5 marks view

12. During ER-to-Relational Mapping, show how you map 1:N and N:M relationship into a relation?

5 marks view