Fundamentals of E-Commerce 2069

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Sixth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-356 )
( Fundamentals of E-Commerce )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions.

                                        Section A                     (3x10=30)

1.  How does e-commerce differ from e-business? Discuss the e-commerce success factors.

10 marks view

2.  How security in e-commerce systems can be ensured? What mechanisms can be used to enforce the security? What possible vulnerabilities may lead to compromise in client-server security?

10 marks view

3.  How layers of EDI ensure transmission of message and data between the trading partners in ecommerce transactions? Also mention the tangible benefits of EDI.

10 marks view

                                        Section B                     (6x5=30)

4.  Compare and contrast pure Vs. Partial e-commerce. Support your answer with proper examples.

5 marks view

Partial e-commerce is when a company will sell a good through the internet but the fulfillment of good will need to take place in the "real" world. E.g. buying a book on Amazon, they will have to send it to you physically.

Pure e-commerce is when everything happens on the internet. E.g. buying music/movies on iTunes.

Based on the degree of digitization of

  • Product
  • Process
  • Delivery agent

Pure e-commerce: all dimensions are physical

Partial e-commerce: all other possibilities include a mix of digital and physical dimensions.

5.  Illustrate and explain the components of the information super highway.

5 marks view

6.  Describe the functionality of digital wallet. Write the requirements of e-payments.

5 marks view

7.  Explain the Mercantile model from the consumer’s perspective.

5 marks view

8.  How digital documents enhance business data processing. Differentiate physical data warehouse and the logical.

5 marks view

9.  What services or functionalities does the e-commerce application architecture consist of? Discuss briefly.

5 marks view