Fundamentals of E-Commerce 2069
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
1. How does e-commerce differ from e-business? Discuss the e-commerce success factors.
2. How security in e-commerce systems can be ensured? What mechanisms can be used to enforce the security? What possible vulnerabilities may lead to compromise in client-server security?
3. How layers of EDI ensure transmission of message and data between the trading partners in ecommerce transactions? Also mention the tangible benefits of EDI.
Section B (6x5=30)
4. Compare and contrast pure Vs. Partial e-commerce. Support your answer with proper examples.
Partial e-commerce is when a company will sell a good through the internet but the fulfillment of good will need to take place in the "real" world. E.g. buying a book on Amazon, they will have to send it to you physically.
Pure e-commerce is when everything happens on the internet. E.g. buying music/movies on iTunes.
Based on the degree of digitization of
- Product
- Process
- Delivery agent
Pure e-commerce: all dimensions are physical
Partial e-commerce: all other possibilities include a mix of digital and physical dimensions.
5. Illustrate and explain the components of the information super highway.
6. Describe the functionality of digital wallet. Write the requirements of e-payments.
7. Explain the Mercantile model from the consumer’s perspective.
8. How digital documents enhance business data processing. Differentiate physical data warehouse and the logical.
9. What services or functionalities does the e-commerce application architecture consist of? Discuss briefly.