Microprocessor 2078

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Second Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC162 )
( Microprocessor )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A

Long answer questions:

Attempt any Two questions:        [2 x 10 = 20]

1. Explain instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-states. Draw timing diagram of IN instruction with brief description.        [3+5+2]

5 marks view

2. Draw block diagram of 80286 microprocessor and explain its main four functional sub-units. Differentiate between Real Address Mode and Protected Virtual Address Mode.        [4+4+2]

5 marks view

3. Explain LXI and CMP instruction. Write an assembly language program for 8 bit microprocessor to divide 8 bit data stored in memory location 8050 by 8 bit data stored in 8051 and store the quotient in 8052 and remainder in 8053.        [3+7]

5 marks view

Group B

Short answer questions:

Attempt any Eight questions:        [8 x 5 = 40]

4. What are different modes of parallel communication? Construct a control word for 8255 PPI for following configuration:

        Port A and Port Cupper - mode 0

        Port B and Port Clower - mode 0

        Port A and Port Cupper as input port

        Port B and Port Clower as output port

5 marks view

5. Differentiate between interrupt based I/O and DMA based I/O. Explain basic DMA operation in brief.        [2+3]

5 marks view

6. Differentiate between PUSH and POP instruction with example illustrating the use of these instructions.

5 marks view

7. Write an assembly language program for 16 bit microprocessor to reverse the string "This is Microprocessor".

5 marks view

8. What is the use of AD7-AD0 in 8085 microprocessor? Explain address de-multiplexing process in 8085 microprocessor with suitable diagram.        [1+4]

5 marks view

9. What is mean by addressing mode? Explain all the addressing mode available in 8085 microprocessor.

5 marks view

10. Explain Register Organization in 80386 microprocessor.

5 marks view

11. Draw a logic diagram showing generation of memory and I/O read/write control signals in 8085 microprocessor.

5 marks view

12. Write short notes on (ant two):    [2 x 2.5]

    a) Program Counter

    b) Von-Neumann Architecture

    c) Interrupt Masking

5 marks view