Operating System 2024

Tribhuwan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Course Title: Operating System
Code No: CACS251
Semester: Fourth Semester
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to answers the questions in their own words as far as possible.

Group B

Attempt any SIX questions. [6 * 5 = 30]

Define Kernel. Explain different types of kernel in operating system.

5 marks view

What is PCB? What are different information that are included in a PCB?

5 marks view

How paging can be used for memory management? Also differentiate it with segmentation.

5 marks view

What are page faults and thrashing? Explain demand paging with protection bit?

5 marks view

How deadlock can be prevented ? Explain  in detail?

5 marks view

Explain different file access methods in detail.

5 marks view

What is distributed system? Explain the role of clock synchronization in distributed system.

5 marks view

Group C

Attempt any TWO questions. [2 * 10 = 20]

What is critical section problem? How semaphores can be used to solve critical section problem.Also explain producer consumer problem  with its solution using Mutex.

10 marks view

What is belady's Anomaly in page replacement Algorithm? Explain with example. Consider the following page reference string: 7,2,3,1,2,5,3,4,6,7,7,1,0,5,4,6,2,3,0,1. How many page faults will occur if the program has four page frames available to it and uses the following page replacement algorithm? a)FIFO replacement   b) LRU replacement    c) Optimal  replacement

10 marks view

What is the use of DMA controller? Consider the following process and answer the following questions.









0 0 1 2 

0 0 1 2 

1 5 2 0


1 0 0 0

1 7 5 0


1 3 5 4

2 3 5 6


0 6 3 2

0 6 5 2


0 0 1 4

0 6 5 6

a) What is the content of need matrix?

b) Is the system in safe state? 

c) If P2 request (3 4 0 2) , can the request be granted immediately.

10 marks view