Principles of Management Model Question

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Model Question
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Information Technology ( MGT205 )
( Principles of Management )
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours

Group A

Long Answer Questions

Attempt any 2 questions.         [2*10=20]

1. Define management. How would you tie up managerial Skills and work performance in IT sectors?     (4+6)

10 marks view

2. What is environment? How do you define the affect of environmental factors in organizational Performance? (2+8)

10 marks view

3. Define Organizational structure. Evaluate the relationship between the vertical relationship and horizontal relationship in structural development. (2+8)

10 marks view

Group B

Short Answer Questions

Attempt any 8 questions.         [8*5=40]

4. Discuss the omnipotent and symbolic thought of manager.

5 marks view

5. What is planning? Discuss the types of plans. (2+3)

5 marks view

6. Discuss the techniques of employee motivation.

5 marks view

7. Critically discuss the contingency theory of leadership.

5 marks view

8. Define communication. Explain the communication style of men and women. (2+3) 

5 marks view

9. Discuss the various techniques of group decision making.

5 marks view

10. Explain the process of controlling.

5 marks view

11.Discuss the techniques of financial control.

5 marks view

12.Write short notes on: (2*2.5=5)

        a. Management by objective

        b. Manager vs. leader

5 marks view