Web Technology - Syllabus

Course Overview and Structure

Embark on a profound academic exploration as you delve into the Web Technology course () within the distinguished Tribhuvan university's CSIT department. Aligned with the 2074 Syllabus, this course (CSC318) seamlessly merges theoretical frameworks with practical sessions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Rigorous assessment based on a 60 + 20 + 20 marks system, coupled with a challenging passing threshold of , propels students to strive for excellence, fostering a deeper grasp of the course content.

This 3 credit-hour journey unfolds as a holistic learning experience, bridging theory and application. Beyond theoretical comprehension, students actively engage in practical sessions, acquiring valuable skills for real-world scenarios. Immerse yourself in this well-structured course, where each element, from the course description to interactive sessions, is meticulously crafted to shape a well-rounded and insightful academic experience.

Course Description: This course covers the fundamental concepts of HTML, CSS, JavaScript,

XML, and PHP.

Course Objectives: The main objective of this course is to provide basic knowledge of web design

using HTML and CSS, client side scripting using JavaScript, handling web data using XML and

server side scripting using PHP.



Web Basics: Internet, Intranet, WWW, Static and Dynamic Web Page; Web Clients; Web Servers;

Client Server Architecture: Single Tier, Two-Tier, Multi-Tier; HTTP: HTTP Request and

Response; URL, Client Side Scripting, Server Side Scripting, Web 1.0, Web 2.0

Hyper Text Markup Language

Introduction to HTML; Elements of HTML Document; HTML Elements and HTML Attributes,

Headings, Paragraph, Division, Formating: b, i, small, sup, sub; Spacing: Pre, Br; Formatting Text

Phrases: span, strong, tt; Image element; Anchors; Lists: Ordered and Unordered and Definition;

Tables; Frames; Forms: Form Elements, ID attributes, Class Attributes of HTML Elements; Meta

Tag, Audio, Video, Canvas, Main, Section, Article, Header, Footer, Aside, Nav, Figure Tags;

HTML Events: Window Events, Form Element Events, Keyboard Events, Mouse Events

Cascading Style Sheets

Introduction; Cascadding Style Sheets (CSS); CSS Syntax; Inserting CSS: Inline, Internal, External,

ID and Class Selectors; Colors; Backgrounds; Borders; Text; Font; List; Table; CSS Box Model;

Normal Flow Box Layout: Basic Box Layout, Display Property, Padding, Margin; Positioning:

Relative, Float, Absolute; CSS3 Borders, Box Shadows, Text Effects and shadow; Basics of

Responsive Web Designs; Media Queries, Introduction to Bootstrap

Client Side Scripting with JavaScript

Structure of JavaScript Program; Variables and Data Types; Statements: Expression, Keyword,

Block; Operators; Flow Controls, Looping, Functions; Popup Boxes: Alert, Confirm, Prompt;

Objects and properties; Constructors; Arrays; Built-in Objects: Window, String, Number, Boolean,

Date, Math, RegExp, Form, DOM; User Defined Objects; Event Handling and Form Validation,

Error Handling, Handling Cookies, jQuery Syntax; jQuery Selectors, Events and Effects;

Introduction to JSON


Basics of AJAX; Introduction to XML and its Application; Syntax Rules for creating XML

document; XML Elements; XML Attributes; XML Tree; XML Namespace; XML schema

languages: Document Type Definition(DTD), XML Schema Definition (XSD); XSD Simple Types,

XSD Attributes; XSD Complex Types; XML Style Sheets (XSLT), XQuery

Server Side Scripting using PHP

PHP Syntax, Variables, Data Types , Strings, Constants, Operators, Control structure, Functions,

Array, Creating Class and Objects, PHP Forms, Accessing Form Elements, Form Validation,

Events, Cookies and Sessions, Working with PHP and MySQL, Connecting to Database, Creating,

Selecting, Deleting, Updating Records in a table, Inserting Multiple Data, Introduction to

CodeIgniter, Laravel, Wordpress etc.

Lab works

Laboratory Work Manual

The laboratory work includes creating web pages and applications with using HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, XML, and PHP. Student should write programs and prepare lab sheet for all of the units

in the syllabus. The instructors have to prepare lab sheets for individual units covering the concept

of the units as per the requirement. All of the lab reports should be evaluated during the

corresponding weeks of hands on practice. The lab session for above chapters should be as per

following description however the depth of lab works are not limited to the below mentioned

contents only. Based on the lab works in each of the units, students have to prepare a web based

application, using above mentioned technologies, as a project work.

Unit II: Unit 2: Hyper Text Markup Language (10 Hrs.)

- Write HTML scripts for illustrating all of the concepts mentioned in this unit.

Unit III: Cascading Style Sheets (8 Hrs.)

- Write CSS scripts for implementing the concepts mentioned in this unit like;

  •  Inline, internal and external css for Backgrounds; Borders; Text; Font; List; Table, HTML   elements etc.
  •  Class, id, box models, Display layouts
  •  CSS3 concepts like box shadow, text effects etc.
  •  Responsive Designs using media queries (media types, viewports)
  •  Using Bootstrap

Unit IV: Client Side Scripting with JavaScript (9 Hrs.)

-  Write programs/scripts for illustrating the concepts of JavaScript mentioned in this unit as

  •  Operators, Flow Controls, Looping, Functions; Popup Boxes
  •  Arrays
  •  Built-in Objects: Window, String, Number, Boolean, Date, Math, RegExp, Form
  •  Event Handling and Form Validation, Error Handling,
  •  Handling Cookies,

-  Write programs/scripts for implementing

  •  Basics of jQuery Syntax;
  •  jQuery Selectors, Events and Effects;
  •  Basics of JSON

Unit V: AJAX and XML (7 Hrs.)

Write programs/scripts for implementing

  •  Basics of AJAX; Using XMLHTTPRequest Object
  •  XML Files with XML Elements and XML Attributes
  •  XML schema languages: Document Type Definition(DTD), XML Schema Definition (XSD)
  •  XML Style Sheets (XSLT)

Unit VI: Server Side Scripting using PHP (8 Hrs.)

-  Write PHP programs for implementing concepts of PHP like;

  •  Variables, Data Types , Strings, Constants, Operators, Control structure, Functions, Array,   Class and Objects,
  •  PHP Forms, Accessing Form Elements, Form Validation, Events,
  •  Management of Cookies and Sessions,
  •  Hanlding databse in PHP using MySQL, Database Connection, Creating, Selecting, Deleting, Updating Records in a table using PHP and MySQL,

Installation and usages of Introduction to CodeIgniter, Laravel, Wordpress.