Advanced Database 2074
Attempt all the questions.
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1. Explain the following terms:
a) Data replication
b) UMI
c) SOL: 2003
d) Xpath
f) Clustering
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2. What is mobile computing? Explain its architecture.
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3. Explain the process of EER to relational mapping with example.
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4. Discuss the concept of encapsulation, and tell how it is used to create abstract data types.
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5. What are the differences between structured and unstructured complex objects ? Explain
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6. What is temporal database? Explain the terms date, time, timestamp, interval and period.
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7.What is data warehouse? Explain the architecture for the functionality of data warehouse.
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8. What is multimedia database? What are the nature of multimedia database and applications?
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9. What is data mining? Discuss association rule mining with example.
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10. What is GIS? What are GIS data operations?
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