Advanced Java Programming 2020

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Course Title: Advanced Java Programming
Code No: CACS354
Semester: Sixth Semester
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to answers the questions in their own words as far as possible.

                                                      Group B

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Attempt any SIX questions.                                                                                                    [6x5=30]

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2. Why do we need top level container like JFrame to write Java programs with GUI? How

    can we display two dimensional objects in Java?                                                                  [2+3]

5 marks
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3. Explain JTextField and JTextArea components of Java swing library.                           [2.5+2.5]

5 marks
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4. How do you execute SQL statements using JDBC? Explain with example.                       [5]

5 marks
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5. Compare result set with row set. Explain prepared statement with example.                    [2+3]

5 marks
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6. How do you set and get Cookie in Servlet? Explain using suitable Java program.           [2+3}

5 marks
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7. Explain different scripting elements of JSP with example.                                                            [5]

5 marks
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8. Write short notes on (Any Two):                                                                                                  [2x2.5=5]

    a) Java web frameworks

    b) CORBA

    c) Bean bound property

5 marks
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                                                                        Group C

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 Attempts any TWO questions.                                                                                                           [2x10=20]                         

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9. Write a GUI application to find sum and difference  of two integer numbers. Use two text

   fields for input and third text field for output. Your program should display sum if the users

    presses  the mouse  and  difference if the users releases the mouse. 

10 marks
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10. What is bean design pattern? Explain simple, Boolean, and indexed property design

     patterns with suitable examples in detail.                                                                                      [2+8]

10 marks
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11. Define RMI. What is stub and parameter marshalling? Write a client/server application using

     RMI to find product of two numbers.                                                                                             [1+2+7]                                                           

10 marks
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