C Programming - Unit Wise Questions
4. Define the basic structure of C program. Explain the Compilation and Execution of a C program?
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4. What is the basic structure of a C program? Explain each part.
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4. What is the basic structure of a C program? Explain each part.
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2. What is an identifier and keyword? Explain the rules for naming valid identifiers in C with example. Write a C program to find sum of digits of a 'n' digit number.
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2. What is an Identifier and Keyword? Explain the rules for naming valid Identifiers in C with example. Write a program to convert a given string to lowercase without using any library functions. (3+2+5)
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3. What are different data types available in C along with their respective range? Write a program to check whether a given integer is palindrome or not. (5+5)
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5. What are the uses of comments and escape sequences in a C program, explain with example?
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8. Explain any four input/output functions used in C language with suitable example.
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12. Write short notes on: [2+3]
i) Formatted input/output
ii) C Preprocessors/directives
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1. What is an expression and operator? Discuss operator associativity in C. Write a program to find factorial of a given integer using recursion. (2+3+5)
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6. What are relational operators and arithmetic operators? Write a C code to check if a given number is odd or even.
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1. Define array. Differentiate between 1D and 2D array. Write a program that stores 100 integers in an array and display them in ascending order.
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6. What do you mean by multi-dimensional array? Write program logic to add and display the sum of two m x n matrices.
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6. What do you mean by multi-dimensional array? Write a program to display the sum of two m x n matrices. (1+4)
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7. Find errors (if any) in the following program and rewrite it.
float main <>
int m[ ][ ] = ({1,2,3,4});
for(i=4, i>=0; i--)
for(j=0, j<4; j++);
m[i][j] = a[i][j]+b[i][j];
return 0.0;
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8. How is string defined in C program? Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome or not.
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9. Write a C program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not.
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5. How break statement is different from continue statement. Explain with examples.
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5. How break statement is different from continue statement? Explain with suitable example. (1+4)
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7. Define iterative statements. Write a program that using a loop to compute and prints the sum of squares of first 10 even natural numbers.
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8. Write a program to generate the following pattern of Integers.
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9. Differentiate between switch case and else .. if ladder. Why is break statement used inside switch case? Explain briefly.
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9. Write a program to generate the following pattern of integers.
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1. Explain the role of function in programming. How function is declared, defined and called in C? Write a program to find factorial of 'n' using recursive function.
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3. Discuss the advantages of using functions in programming. Differentiate between recursive function and normal function. Write a program using call by reference to swap the values of two variables.
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10. Describe the concept of pointer and its arithmetic with suitable examples.
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10. What is pointer? Illustrate the use of a double pointer with suitable example.
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10. Write a program to find smallest element of any array using a pointer.
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12. Write short notes on:
a. Macros
b. Null Pointer
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12. Write Short Notes on (2.5+2.5)
a. Escape Sequence
b. Null Pointer
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2. Define structure. Write syntax for defining and initializing structure? Write a program that stores details of N employees (E_id, E_Name, Salary), and display the details of those employees whose salary is less than 10000.
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3. How structure is different from union? Write a program to store and display basic information (roll, name, address, email and phone) of students of using a structure.
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11. Write a program to store and display basic information (Roll, name, address, email, and phone) of students using a structure.
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7. Write a program to create a file "duplicate" that contains the exact copy of file "original".
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11. Explain the syntax of fwrite() function. Write a program to create a file named "student.txt" and stores record of any five students given by user.
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11. Why file is used in programming? Explain different file opening modes.
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