Cloud Computing 2071(II)
Attempt all questions.
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1. How grid computing differs from cloud computing? Justify what the self-service provisioning and multitenacy properties of cloud computing means?
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2. Describe possible services that can be achieved through Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
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3. What do you mean by Elastic IP Addressing? Describe How Elastic IPs work in cloud services.
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4. Discuss about the planning needed for building the Services Oriented Architecture.
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5. What are the Managed Services Providers(MSP)? Discuss the evolution of MSP Model to Cloud Computing.
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6. "Virtualization is the key to cloud computing", justify this statement with proper arguments. How hypervisors are used in cloud computing services?
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7. Explain the different types of implementing Network Intrusion Detection Systems in cloud.
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8. What can be the impact of disasters in cloud? How geographic redundancy and organizational redundancy ensures disaster recovery in cloud services.
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9. Discuss how security architecture and trust architecture ensure security of cloud services networks.
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10. Write short notes on(any two)
a) Jericho Cube Model
b) Role of open source software in cloud computing
c) Utility Computing
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