Computer Graphics 2072
Attempt all the questions.(6 x 10 = 60)
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1. What is a computer graphics? Briefly explain the applications of computer graphics.
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2. Use Bresenham's algorithm to draw a line having end points (25, 20) and (15, 10).
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3. Construct the Bezier curve of order 3 and 4 polygon vertices A(1,1) B(2,3) C(4,3) and D(6,4).
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4. Derive the Mid-point algorithm.
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6. Explain the following term with practical applications.
a) 2D shearing
b) 3D viewing
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7. What do you mean by homogeneous coordinates? Rotate a triangle A(5,6), B(6,2) and C(4,1) by 45 degree about an arbitrary pivot point (3,3).
Explain in detail about Diffuse Reflection model.
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8. What is projection? Differentiate between parallel and prospective projection.
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9. Given a clipping window P(0,0), Q(30,20), S(0,20) use the Cohen Sutherland algorithm to determine the visible portion of the line A(10,30) and B(40,0).
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10. Explain the basic steps for computer animation and its application in computer science.
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