Distributed and Object Oriented Database 2071
Group A
AI is thinking...
Attempt any two questions. (2 x 10 = 20)
AI is thinking...
1. Discuss client/server architecture and peer-to-peer architecture of distributed DBMS.
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2. What is reliability protocol? Discuss two phase commit protocol for distributed environment.
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3. What is object-oriented database? Differentiate it with relational database . Discuss the characteristics of object oriented data model.
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Group B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any Eight questions.(8 x 5 = 40)
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4. Differentiate between distributed database with centralized database.
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5. Discuss MDBS architecture.
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6. What are the correctness rules of fragmentation? Discuss.
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7. Discuss normalization step of query decomposition.
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8. Discuss three situations that can occur if proper isolation is not maintained.
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9. What is deadlock? Discuss deadlock prevention in distributed concurrency control.
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10. Explain mean time between failures and mean time to repair.
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11. What is object query language? Differentiate it with structured query language.
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12. Discuss the performance issues of OODBMS.
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13. Write short notes on:
a) Autonomy
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