Distributed and Object Oriented Database 2075
Group A
AI is thinking...
Attempt any two questions.
AI is thinking...
1. What is data fragmentation? Explain horizontal, vertical, and mixed fragmentation with suitable example.
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2. Discuss query decomposition in distributed databases. How is it different from query localization?
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3. Explain different characteristics of object oriented data model. What is extended relational model approach for object oriented database management system?
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Group B
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Attempt any Eight questions.
AI is thinking...
4. Define client/server architecture. What is distributed multidatabase system architecture?
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5. Discuss different design issues that arise in building a distributed DBMS.
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6. Discuss semijoin operation. Compare it with join operation.
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7. Define transaction. Discuss architectural aspects of distributed transaction.
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8. What are different types of failures in distributed database management systems? Explain.
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9. Why do we need concurrency control? Discuss distributed two phase locking technique.
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10. What is object definition language? How is it different from object query language?
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11. What are the performance issues related with object oriented database management systems?
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12. What are the performance issues related with object oriented database management systems?
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13. Write short notes on:
a) Object identity
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