English I - Unit Wise Questions

Questions Organized by Units
Unit 1: Personal Computing, Portable Computers, Online Services
40 Questions


i) Icon is defined as ……………

 a) visual symbol used in a menu instead of natural language.   

 b) a device moved by hand to indicate position on the screen.   

 c) data programs   

 d) The set of software

1 marks
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a) visual symbol used in a menu instead of natural language.   

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11. What are the negative aspects of replacing humans with computers?

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1. What are the major functions of the decision support system? Explain.

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2. What are the limitations of personal computers? Do you think students should be allowed to use computers in class?

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2. How has the micro-chip technology changed the world forever? Illustrate

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12. Write a paragraph explaining how information is processed by information system.

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ii) An ……. pen is one example of an input device.

a) electron    b) electronic    c) electronics    d) electronically

1 marks
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b) electronic

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3. What kinds of facilities do online service provide? What online services are available in your country?

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3. Give the meaning of "network of networks" and then explain the main use of ALGOL.

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13. How are the multi-user databases managed by a piece of software?

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4. How is digital transmission different from analog transmission?

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iii) The word computational has ……………….

a) an adjective-forming suffix    b) adverb-forming suffix    c) verb-forming suffix  

d) noun-forming suffix

1 marks
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a) an adjective-forming suffix

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14. Make a list of jobs suitable for robots, and those to be done only by humans.

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5. What is DBMS? What is its function?

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4. Give some specific names of clipboard computers now available in the market and then explain

the two different jobs of 'infector' and 'detonator'.

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iv) Newest is an example of …………….

a) superlative adjective    b) comparative adjective    c) absolute adjective    d) absolute adverb

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a) superlative adjective

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5. Why did the developers of the PAL system invent interlaced video? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Explain.

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15.What do you mean by virtual reality? How is it going to affect young people's attitude to violence?

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6. What is operating system? Why is it important to assess it on a computer before buying one?

5 marks
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v) We were ………… to document our program.

a) instructor    b) instructed    c) instruct    d) instruction

1 marks
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b) instructed

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7. Make a list of the applications of computers you think of which are related to machine and patient care.

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16. Discuss some of the applications of AI programs.

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vi) The opposite meaning of 'preventing' is …………..

a) co-operating    b) enabling     c) reducing    d) localizing

1 marks
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b) enabling

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6. "Computers are about to take people to places they have never been able to visit before." Explain the statement basing on the essay 'Fancy a fantasy Spacecraft?'.

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vii) Which of the following words has a destructive meaning?

a) cipher    b) shield    c) smart-card    d) hacker

1 marks
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d) hacker

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7. Discuss some of tasks/jobs suited to robots only, and show the impact of robotics revolution felt in modern society.

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17. What are the actual or potential applications of multi-media in industry?

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8. What do you think of young people using a PC only to play games and surfing the internet?

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viii) The computer is ………… faster than the old one.

a) considered    b) considerably    c) considerable    d) considering

1 marks
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b) considerably 

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ix) Our company is working on a new ………. of software products.

a) generation    b) generative    c) generated    d) generate

1 marks
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a) generation

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9. Discuss in detail about the uses of computers at home and in offices. What are the benefits and harmful aspects of replacing people with computers?

10 marks
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18. Write a letter of application for a job advertised in a national daily newspaper. Also, write your resume as a supporting document for the application. Follow the criteria of letter writing process.


Your department needs a new piece of equipment to perform work. Write a memo requesting for this equipment with a justification for its need. Follow the criteria of Memo-writing.

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9. Perhaps you manage a computing specializing in multi-media hardware and software. Prepare a leaflet to inform companies of the potential benefits of using multimedia.


Write a letter of inquiry to a college or university requesting information about a degree program. Be specific in your request, and follow the criteria for writing letters of inquiry.

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x) The similar meaning (synonym) of the word inventive is ………………

a) Skilled    b) creative    c) awkward    d) insufficient

1 marks
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b) creative

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19. Suppose you represent the National Council for Educational Technology, and your boss has asked you to make comprehensive notes about the work of the Council. Explain in detail the works of the council. You may write your answer in the form of a presentation to be delivered to a group of teachers.

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10. You work in the purchasing department of an industry where a major project is being introduced at work. Employees working under your supervision need suggestion from you.Write a memo providing your response in regard to their individual responsibilities.


Write a complete CV of your own to be sent with the covering letter while applying for a job.

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10.  Write an advertisement for a real or imaginary notebook computer. Your material should include its name, type, size, price, capacity, and the features that make it superior to other models.

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11. Write an essay about a problem that directly involves you. Choose a problem you see in your neighborhood, your college, or your job, and explain how it should be solved.

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20. Write a summary of the text "Computer Network".


Mary Evans, Gerry Hasper, Matt Andrews and Bob Bolton are well known software developers. Do they think software purchases are getting what they need? What are their views about giving a better product to purchases?

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11. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

 Computers are machines that can help us in many ways. But, they cannot think or do things on their own. Humans have to feed them with information and tell them what to do with it. They cannot come up with any new information. But, they can save much time and work. For example: all the information and the office files can be stored in a computer's "memory". If a clerk were to trace any information from a particular file, the computer would only take seconds to find it. It would take a clerk  days or even weeks to go through every file if no computers were used.

    The first computers were huge and costly. They filled up almost the whole floor of large offices. Later, because of the usefulness and demand for computers in business, scientists soon found ways  to produce cheaper and smaller computers. They invented chips which make it possible to store more information in less space.

    Today, computers are not only cheaper, but also more compact. They can just be placed on top of an ordinary writing table.They can even be carried from place to place easily. Computers are not only used in offices by companies, but they are also used at home, by families who can afford them.

    Robots, on the other hand, are not mechanical people. They are only moving parts controlled by a computer. A robot can do the same work for twenty-four hours, and yet, it does not complain or get tired. In the United States robots are computers that tell them where to guard and what to do. These robots are programmed to listen for certain noises and signals for help in case of trouble or danger.

    In Japan and in some places in America, robots are used in factories to assemble cars. As computers become more common in business and factories, people fear that tone day computers and computer controlled robots will put human workers out of work.


a) Why do human have to feed the computers with information and tell them what to do?

b) Why did the first computers fill up almost the whole floor?

c) Do you think 'artificial intelligence'can make computer independent? why?

d) What if there were no computer in the world? Write in brief.

c) Think of a suitable title for the passage and justify in brief.

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Unit 2: Computer Software, Computer Networks, Computer in Education, Virtual Reality
0 Questions
Unit 3: Programming and language, Computer Viruses, Computer in the Office
0 Questions
Unit 4: Computer in Medicine, Robotics
0 Questions
Unit 5: Machine Translation, Multi Media, Computer Graphics
0 Questions