Geographical Information System 2071
Attempt any six questions.
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1. Define GIS. Describe the role of GIS in a mountainous country like Nepal. Support your answer with a reference of an application.
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2. What are various coordinate system used in GIS application? Describe them in brief.
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3. What are raster an vector data? Differentiate between their properties with advantages and disadvantages.
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4. What are various sources of GIS data? Describe methods of data capture.
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5. What do you mean by spatial analysis? How do you perform the raster overlay operation using relational operators? Explain with example.
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6. What is GPS? How does it work? What are various types of errors related to GPS data?
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7. Explain how does a clearing house works? What problems do you face during the spatial data sharing?
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8. Write short note on (any two)
(a) DTM
(b) Remote Sensing Data
(c) Open GIS
(d) Layer
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