Geographical Information System 2076
Attempt any six questions. [10x6=60]
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1. Briefly explain the concept of GIS. What are the various components of GIS. How GIS can help for transport planning and traffic management.
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2. Why do we need map in GIS? Explain the elements of MAP in brief.
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3. What do you understand by earth features? What are the different data models of representating the earth features.
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4. What do you mean by spatial data modelling? Explain spatial data types. What is geocoding? Explain spatial analysis with example.
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5. What is remote sensing? Explain the components of remote sensing with diagram.
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6. what is Scale Factor? What are different types of distortion in projections.
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7. Explain web based GIS system with example.
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8. Write short notes on any two
(a) Spatial Data Model vs GIS Topology
(b) Buffer and Overlaying
(c) Datum vs Projection
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