Microprocessor 2072
Section A
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Attempt any TWO questions: (10x2=20)
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1. Explain the importance of addressing modes in the microprocessor. Discuss different types of addressing modes with examples.
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2. Draw the block diagram of SAP2 architecture and explain it. Compare it with SAP1 architecture.
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3. Describe different types of 8085 instructions sets, based on word size, with suitable examples. Write instructions to load two hexadecimal numbers 32H and 48H in register A and B respectively. Add the numbers and display the sum at the LED output port PORT1.
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Section B
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Attempt any EIGHT questions: (8x5=40)
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4. Explain the application of different flags with suitable examples.
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5. What is an interface? Explain about RS-232 interface with example.
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6. What is DMA? Explain DMA data transfer with suitable diagram.
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7. Define stack. Write programs to illustrate PUSH and POP operations.
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8. Assume that the accumulator holds the data byte FFH. Explain the differences in the flag set by adding 01H and by incrementing the accumulator contents.
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9. Draw and explain the timing diagram for the execution of the instruction MVI A, 32H.
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10. Why serial and parallel communication are used in a computer system? Explain.
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11. What do you understand by assembler directives? Explain with suitable examples.
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12. Write and explain assembly language program to multiply 05H and 06H.
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13. Define interrupt and vectored interrupt. Can the microprocessor be interrupted again before the completion of the first interrupt service routine? Explain.
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