Microprocessor Based Design - Unit Wise Questions
1. Explain 8051 block diagram and also highlight on its unique features. (10)
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2. What are different interfacing techniques of a microcontroller? Explain (10)
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3. Explain about various types of addressing modes. (10)
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4. Highlight on the functionality of CAN protocol layer.(5)
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5. Explain various serial data transmission modes of 8051. (5)
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6. Explain on the basics of PCB design. (5)
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7. Differentiate between serial and parallel bus systems.(5)
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8. What are the basic features of ARM.? Discuss on its applicability. (3+2)
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9. Explain about various Timer modes of 8051. (5)
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10. What are the major roles of Instruction Set? Explain Instruction Set Architecture.(2+3)
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11. Differentiate between sensors and actuators. Explain various types of noises. (5)
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12. Write short notes on: (2 ×2.5 = 5)
a. PCI
b. Shielding
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