Network and System Administration - Unit Wise Questions
1a) Compare OSI with TCP/ IP.
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1. a) Explain the OSI network layer functionalities and compare it with TCP/IP layer.
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1. a) Differentiate between windows and Linux Networking system.
b) What are the major difference between switching and routing? Explain
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1. a) Explain the OSI reference model.
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1. [a] What do you mean by Networking Protocols? Compare TCP/IP with OSI Reference Model.[3+3]
[b] How many ways a Linux client acquire IPv4 address? Explain.[6]
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1. a) Explain the Reference Model.
b) What do you mean by switching and routing? Explain the routing algorithm.
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1. a) Explain the TCP/IP and its application. What do you mean by Routing?
b) Explain the process of linux client/server installation.
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1. a) How do you convince that packet switching is better than circuit switching? List the functionality
of IP layer and Host to network layer under TCP/IP framework.
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1. a) Explain the protocol standards with example.
b) What do you mean by Routing? Explain with example.
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1.a) Explain the protocol standard. Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP.
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b) Explain the routing algorithm with example.
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b) Explain the File systems and Quota management.
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1b) Explain Routing and its applications.
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b) How do you create and manipulate accounts in Linux? Explain with example.
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2. a) Explain the job scheduling with crontab.
b) Differentiate between Linux and windows firewall configuration.
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b) What are the difference between client and server? How do you perform portioning of Disk while
installing Linux client?
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2. a) Explain the process of online sever upgrade.
b) Explain steps of server and client installation.
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2. a) Explain the quota management in UNIX system.
b) How to use network troubleshooting commands? Explain.
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2. a) Explain the job scheduling with cron.
b) Explain the network interface configuration.
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2. [a] Explain the Linux booting process with server installation steps.[6]
[b] What are the usage and importance of cron, anacron and at? Explain the steps to configure and enable system logging in Linux.[3+3]
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2a) Explain the process of linux client/server installation process.
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2. a) What is xinetd? How does it differ from inetd?
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3. a) Explain the network interface configuration.
b) Explain the DHCP server configuration.
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2. a) How do you create Corn job in Linux? Explain with example.
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3. [a] What is NATng? Describe iptables configuration for NATng in Linux with example. [3+3]
[b] Explain with principle the DHCP server and client communication process. [6]
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3. a) How can you configure the DHCP server? Explain.
b) Differentiate between DNS zone transfers and DNS delegation.
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b) Explain the managing accounts in server administrations.
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3. a) How can you diagnose network startup problem? Explain.
b) How can you use network troubleshooting command? Explain.
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2. a) How can you configure the windows firewalls system?
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3. a) Explian the steps of DHCP server configuration.
b) What do you mean by DNS zone transfers? Explain.
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2.a) Explain the linux client/server installation process.
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b) How do you identify that MySQL process is running on Linux? Discuss the steps to backup all the tables of
mysql database name ‘StudentDB’.
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4. a) How can you configure the proxy server? Explain.
b) What is virtual hosting? Explain the HTTP caching.
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2b) Explain system management with partition creation and deletion.
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b) Explain the DHCP principle and applications.
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4. a) Differentiate between IPV4 and IPV6 addressing.
b) Explain the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) principle.
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3a) Differentiate between IPV4 and IPV6 addressing.
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b) What is SeLinux? How do you configure firewall in Linux? Explain.
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4. [a] Explain how cashing-only name server works? What is the difference between iterative and recursive approach of DNS queries.[3+3]
[b] What is HTTP? Explain the steps to configure HTTP-APACHE server for Linuxvirtual hosting of the website [1+5]
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4. a) Explain the proxy caching server configuration.
b) Explain the HTTP Server configuration.
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4. a) How can you secure the DNS server? Explain.
b) Explain the DNS principle and operations.
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5. a) What do you mean by virtual hosting? Explain with example.
b) Explain the proxy-Authentication Mechanisms.
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3. a) How does of client machine get IP address via DHCP lease? Explain.
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5. a) Define the SAMBA. Explain the process of SAMBA with SAMBA-SWAT.
b) What do you mean by FTP? Why is FTP used?
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3. a) What do you mean by DNS delegation? Explain.
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b) Explain the process to use network troubleshooting commands.
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3.a) Explain the firewall configuration in windows.
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5. [a] What is SAMBA? How do you administer SAMBA with SAMBA-SWAT? Compare SAMBA with NFS. [2+4]
[b] Define the term MUA, MTA, MDA and MAA with protocol example. What do you mean by SMTP relay? [4+2]
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5. a) Explain the FTP principles with example.
b) What are the process of SAMBA configuration? Explain.
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3.a) What is difference between IPV4 and IPV6 in terms of router processing?
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5. a) What do you mean by primary and slave name server? Explain.
b) Explain the DNS and its principles.
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b) What do you mean by DHCP lease? How DHCP relay works? Explain.
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4a) How can you configure DHCP server? Explain the process.
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6. a) What do u mean by SPAM? Explain the steps of SPAM filtering.
b) Explain the process of mail server configuration.
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6. a) Explain the NFS client configuration with example.
b) Explain the process of CUPS configuration.
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6. a) Explain the SMTP relaying principles.
b) How can you control the SPAM in mail server? Explain.
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6. a) What do you mean by primary and slave name server? Explain.
b) Explain the DNS and its principles.
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6. [a] What are the features of webmin? How do you maintain the security while remote administrating of the Linux server. [2+4]
[b] Differentiate between routed and routing protocol. Explain the process of DR/BDR election process in OSPF routing. [2+4]
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3b) What do you mean by IPV6 addressing? Explain with example.
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b) Explain about Virtual Hosting Methods.
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b) Why do we need slave name server? How does primary and slave server communicate with each
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7. Write short Motes on (Any Three) [4+4+4]
[a] Cashing Only Name Server
[b] Proxy-ACL
[c] NFS Client Configuration
[d] SSH Configuration Basics
[e] Properties and features of IMAP server
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a. MySQL
b. IPv6
c. HTTP caching
d. SCP
e. SPAM control
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4.a) Define DHCP. Explain the DHCP server configuration.
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4. a) Explain the process of CUPS configuration process.
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4. a) What are the difference types of DNS queries? How does DNS zone transfer occur?
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
b. DNS Delegation
c. Proxy ACL
d. IMAP principles
e. Team Viewer
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b) Explain the process of DHCP troubleshooting.
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7. a) Explain the configuration process of HTTP server.
b) Explain the proxy-authentication mechanisms.
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a. MySQL
b. ICP wrappers
c. DNS Cache
e. SCP
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4. a) What is FQDN? How does DNS delegation work? Explain.
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b) How can you manage the mail domain administration?
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b) Discuss Name based and IP based virtual hosting with example
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5a) Explain about DNS principles and operations.
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4b) Explain the DNS principles and operations.
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5.a) How can you configure the HTTP server? Explain.
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b) Explain NFS operation with its architecture.
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5. a) How can you process of SAMBA with SAMBA – SWAT? Explain.
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5. a) What is ACL? How do you apply Proxy Authentication with RADIUS? Explain.
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b) What do you mean by caching only name server?
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6a) Explain the process of proxy caching server configuration.
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5. a) What is proxy? How does HTTP proxy work?
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b) What are the features of SAMBA-SWAT? Discuss the NFS operation basics.
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b) How can you control SPAM in the mail server?
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5b) Explain the proxy caching server configuration.
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b) How can you configure NFS? Explain.
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6.a) Explain the process of NFS and NFS client configuration.
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6. a) Explain about SMTP relaying principles.
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b) How do you configure HTTP server? Explain the main configuration steps.
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6. a) what are the different mail agents and their functions?
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6b) What do you mean by SAMBA SWAT? Explain the FTP principles.
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b) Explain about POP and IMAP principle.
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7a) What do you mean by SPAM control and filtering? Explain.
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b) How does SMTP relay work? Explain
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6. a) How do you share files between Linux and Windows Machine? Explain
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b) Explain and compare the features with respect to its complexity between postfix and exchange.
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7) Write short notes on (any three):
a) HTTP caching
b) FTP server
c) Telnet
d) SSP
e) SCP
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a. Proxy ACL
b. CUPS configuration
d. Static and Dynamic Routing
e. SPAM control
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b) What is dynamic routing? How is it different from static routing? Explain.
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a) Disk quota management in Linux
b) DNS Cache
c) Operations of Interior Routing Protocol
d) SCP
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a) SPAM filtering
b) SSH configuration
c) FTP communication
d) Webmin configuration and its features
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