Operating Systems 2075 (old)
Attempt any two questions: (2x10=20)
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1. Define Monolithic and Layered System with suitable examples.
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Explain the memory management with example.
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2. Differentiate between:
a) Paging and Segmentation
b) Allocation of Swap Space
c) File attributes
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3. Describe the goal of I/O software? What are the functions of Interrupt Handler? Explain.
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Attempt any eight questions: (8x5=20)
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4. Describe the technique of long file names? In your opinion, which one is most efficient? Give reason to justify your answer.
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5. Briefly define the term scheduler in the context of any operating system. List three aims of the scheduler in any operating system.
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6. Define the term race condition. Differentiate between race conditions and critical regions.
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7. Why paging is used? Explain with an example.
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8. What is the virtual memory? What are the functions of associative memory?
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9. What resources are used when a thread is created? How does it differ from the resources used to create processes?
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10. Define the essential properties of (a) Batch, (b) Time sharing, (c) Real time operating systems.
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11. What are the differences between Busy Waiting and Blocking?
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12. What is direct memory access? Discuss its working principle.
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