Probability & Statistics - Unit Wise Questions
2. Describe scope and limitation of Statistics.
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i) How many types of data on the basis of sources of data collection?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
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ii) Which is more appropriate central tendency to find the average of profit?
a) Arithmetic mean b) Median c) Mode d) All
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3. Determine average wages from following data:
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iii) What is the range of Correlation?
a) 0 to ∞ b) -∞ to ∞ c) -1 to 1 d) 0 to 1
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4. Calculate Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient from the following data:
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iv) If r=0.2 then coefficient of determination implies that
a) 20% of total variation in dependent variable has been explained by independent variable.
b) 40% of total variation in dependent variable has been explained by independent variable.
c) 2% of total variation in dependent variable has been explained by independent variable.
d) )4% of total variation in dependent variable has been explained by independent variable.
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5. Estimate the marks in JAVA when the marks in Statistics is 65 by using following data:
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v) What is the minimum value of Probability?
a) 1 b) 100 c) 0 d) None of above
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vi) In case of Normal distribution
a) Mean >Median b) Mean =Median c) Mean ≤Median d) Mean ≥Median
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vii) The regression line of X on Y and Y on X are intersect at the point
a) (µ,0) b) (a,b) c) (X,Y) d) (
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6. Fit Binomial Distribution from the following data where p = 0.5
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8. Write short notes on simple random sampling.
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viii) In case of systematic sampling
a) sample mean is biased estimator population mean.
b) sample mean is unbiased estimator population mean.
c) sample mean can’t estimate population mean.
d) sample mean may equal to population mean
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7. How do you determine sample size in sampling? Explain briefly.
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ix) Mean of Chi-Square distribution with n degrees of freedom is
a) 1 b) 0 c) 2n d) n
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x) How do you obtain degree of freedom in one-way ANOVA?
a) (k, n-1) b) (k, n-k) c) (k-1, n-1) d) k-1, n-k)
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9. Student’s age in the regular daytime BCA program and the morning time BCA program of a campus are described by two samples. If the homogeneity in age of the class is positive factor in learning make suggestion, with reason, which of two groups will be easier to teach?
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10. Given a normal distribution with mean 200 and s.d. 20, find the probability that
i) P(X>180)
ii) P(X<220)
iii) P(160<X<240)
iv) P(X>220)
v) P(X<180 orX>220)
vi) 10% of the values are less than what values of X?
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11. The labor productivity indexes of Nepal are recorded as below:
Does the labor productivity index vary due to the;
i) difference in the sector
ii) difference in the time period?
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