Scripting Language 2024
Group B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any SIX questions. [6 * 5 = 30]
AI is thinking...
Write JS program to highlight all of the words over eight characters long in the paragraph text (with a red background)
AI is thinking...
What is javaScript? Explain different types of javascript with proper example.
AI is thinking...
Write PHP function that accepts username and password as arguments and check with student table, if credentials match, redirect to dashboard page otherwise display 'Invalid username/password'.
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What is jQuery? Explain XMLHttpRequest object with its properties and methods with relevant example.
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What is Widgets? Explain different Features of CMS.
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Write rules to create variable in PHP. How to create , store , access and destroy session in PHP?
AI is thinking...
Write short note on (any two)
a) Types of array in PHP
b) Arrow Function in JavaScript
c) jQuery UI
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Group C
AI is thinking...
Attempt any TWO questions.
AI is thinking...
Write server side script to create and validate form with following rule and store given data into 'patients' table with details (name, patient-id, mobile, gender, address, dob, doctor name)
- Name, Mobile, doctor name, gender, dob: Required
- Mobile : 10 digit start with 98, 97 or 96
- DOB: YYYY-MM-DD format
AI is thinking...
What is JavaScript Event? Explain different method that are available to access DOM element using id, class, name and selector with suitable example.
AI is thinking...
What is inheritance? Explain different ways to implement polymorphism in PHP with proper example.
AI is thinking...