Web Technology 2023
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as possible.
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Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions.
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2. What is an image map? Describe the key steps involved in creating a client image map in HTML using necessary tags and attributes.
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3. What is session? Explain how session works with proper example.
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5. What is tier Architecture? Differentiate two-tier technology with three-tier technology.
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6. What is web server? Explain different functions of web server.
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8. Define XPath? Explain different elements required to create XSLT document.
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Attempt any TWO questions.
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9. Design form to accept name, email, phone, gender, country and validate them using server side script with following rules and store them into database called "store" and table "information".
-All fields are required
-Phone number must contain 10 digit
-Email must be valid format
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10. Write HTML and CSS code to design following layout.
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11. Write a valid and well-formed xml to store details of visitor list of ABC College with following details and validate record with following information.
- Record must include details of name, mobile, department, related contact person, date, entry time, exit time and visitor as attribute.
- Mobile must be 10 digit.
- Visitor may not have any contact person
- Record must belongs to Admin, IT, Account and Exam Department.
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4. What is CSS? Explain CSS Box model along with its related properties and example?
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7. What is well formed XML? Explain different ways of DTD implementation for XML documents.
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