Compiler Design and Construction - Old Questions
4. Given a regular expression (a+∈) bc*. Construct the DFA recognizing the pattern described by the regular expression using syntax tree based reduction.
AI is thinking...
Given RE;
(a+∈) bc*
The augmented RE of the given RE is:
(a+∈) bc* #
Syntax tree for augmented R.E. is
Calculating followpos:
followpos(1) = {2}
followpos(2) = {3, 4}
followpos(3) = {3, 4}
1) Start state of DFA = firstpos(root) = {1, 2} = S0
Use followpos of symbol representing position in RE to obtain the next state of DFA.
2) From S0 = {1, 2}
1 represents 'a'
2 represents 'b'
followpos(1) = {2} = S1
δ(s0, a) = S1
followpos(2) = {3, 4} = S2
δ(S0, b) = S2
3) From S1 = {2}
Here 2 represents 'b'
followpos(2) = {3, 4} = S2
δ(S1, b) = S2
4) From S2 = {3, 4}
Here 3 represents 'c'
4 represents '#'
followpos(3) = {3, 4} = S2
δ(S2, c) = S2
Now there was no new states occur.
Therefore, Final state = {S2}
Now the resulting DFA of given regular expression is: