Compiler Design and Construction - Old Questions
7. Define the term ‘item’, ‘closure’ and ‘goto’ used in LR parsing. Compute the SLR DFA for the following grammar.
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An “item” is a production rule that contains a dot(.) somewhere in the right side of the production. For example, A→ .αAβ , A→ α.Aβ, A→ αA.β, A→ αAβ. are items if there is a production A→ αAβ in the grammar.
If I is a set of items for a grammar G, then closure(I) is the set of LR(0) items constructed from I using the following rules:
1. Initially, every item in I is added to closure(I).
2. If A→ α.Bβ is in closure(I) and B →γ is a production, then add the item B → .γ to I if it is not already there.
Apply this rule until no more new items can be added to closure(I).
If I is a set of LR(0) items and X is a grammar symbol (terminal or non-terminal), then goto(I, X) is defined as follows:
If A → α•Xβ in I then every item in closure({A → αX•β}) will be in goto(I, X).
The augmented grammar of the given grammar is,
S‘ → S
S → CC
C → aC | b
Next, we obtain the canonical collection of sets of LR(0) items, as follows,
I0 = closure ({S‘ → •S}) = {S‘ → •S, S → •CC, C → •aC, C → •b}
goto (I0, S) = closure ({S‘ → S•}) = {S‘ → S•} = I1
goto (I0, C) = closure ({S → C•C}) = {S → C•C, C → •aC, C→ •b} = I2
goto (I0, a) = closure ({C→ a•C}) = {C → a•C, C → •aC, C → •b} = I3
goto (I0, b) = closure ({C → b•}) = {C → b•} = I4
goto (I2, C) = closure ({S → CC•}) = {S → CC•} = I5
goto (I2, a) = closure ({C → a•C}) = {C → a•C, C → •aC, C → •b} = I3
goto (I2, b) = closure ({C → b•}) = {C → b•} = I4
goto (I3, C) = closure ({C → aC•}) = {C → aC•} = I6
goto (I3, a) = closure ({C → a•C}) = {C→ a•C, C → •aC, C → •b} = I3
goto (I3, b) = closure ({C → b•}) = {C → b•} = I4
Now, the SLR DFA of the given grammar is: