Compiler Design and Construction - Old Questions

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3.  Differentiate between recursive descent and non-recursive predictive parsing method. Find first and follow of all the non-terminals in the following grammar.


6 marks
Asked in 2075


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Difference between recursive descent and non-recursive predictive parsing

Recursive predictive descent parsing

Non-recursive predictive descent parsing

It is a technique which may or may not require backtracking process.

It is a technique that does not require any kind of back tracking.

It uses procedures for every non terminal entity to parse strings.

It finds out productions to use by replacing input string.

It is a type of top-down parsing built from a set of mutually recursive procedures where each procedure implements one of non-terminal s of grammar.

It is a type of top-down approach, which is also a type of recursive parsing that does not uses technique of backtracking.

It contains several small functions one for each non- terminals in grammar.

The predictive parser uses a look ahead pointer which points to next input symbols to make it parser back tracking free, predictive parser puts some constraints on grammar.

It accepts all kinds of grammars.

It accepts only a class of grammar known as LL(k) grammar.


Given grammar;

Now, the FIRST and FOLLOW for the non-terminals are:





{(, id}

 {), $}


{+, }

 {), $}


{(, id}

{), +, $}


{*, }

{), +, $}


{(, id}

{*, +, ), $}