Data Structures and Algorithms - Old Questions

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11. Differentiate between selection sort and bubble sort.

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Asked in 2072


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Bubble Sort:

This sorting technique is also known as exchange sort, which arranges values by iterating over the list several times and in each iteration the larger value gets bubble up to the end of the list. This algorithm uses multiple passes and in each pass the first and second data items are compared. if the first data item is bigger than the second, then the two items are swapped. Next the items in second and third position are compared and if the first one is larger than the second, then they are swapped, otherwise no change in their order. This process continues for each successive pair of data items until all items are sorted.

Selection Sort:
Selection sort algorithm sorts the elements in an array by finding the minimum element in each pass from unsorted part and keeps it in the beginning. This sorting technique improves over bubble sort by making only one exchange in each pass. This sorting technique maintains two sub arrays, one sub array which is already sorted and the other one which is unsorted. In each iteration the minimum element (ascending order) is picked from unsorted array and moved to sorted sub array.

Difference between Bubble and Selection Sort
1. The main difference between bubble sort and selection sort is that the bubble sort operates by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order while the selection sort sorts an array by repeatedly finding the minimum element from the unsorted part and placing that at the beginning of the array. 
2. The worst case complexity is same in both the algorithms, i.e., O(n2), but best complexity is different. Bubble sort takes an order of n time whereas selection sort consumes an order of n2 time.
3. Bubble sort is a stable algorithm, in contrast, selection sort is unstable.
4. Selection sort algorithm is fast and efficient as compared to bubble sort which is very slow and inefficient.