Data Structures and Algorithms - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

3. What is circular queue? Write an algorithm and C function to implement Circular queue.

10 marks
Asked in 2072


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Official Answer

Circular Queue is a linear data structure in which the operations are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle and the last position is connected back to the first position to make a circle.

Graphical representation of a circular queue is as follows:

Initialization of Circular queue:


Algorithms for inserting an element in a circular queue:

This algorithm is assume that rear and front are initially set to MAZSIZE-1.

1. if (front==(rear+1)%MAXSIZE)

print Queue is full and exit


rear=(rear+1)%MAXSIZE; [increment rear by 1]

2. cqueue[rear]=item;

3. end

Algorithms for deleting an element from a circular queue:

This algorithm is assume that rear and front are initially set to MAZSIZE-1.

1. if (rear==front) [checking empty condition]

print Queue is empty and exit

2. front=(front+1)%MAXSIZE; [increment front by 1]

3. item=cqueue[front];

4. return item;

5. end.

C function to implement circular queue



#define SIZE 5


void enQueue(int);

void deQueue();

void display();


int cQueue[SIZE], front = -1, rear = -1;


void main()


   int choice, value;



      printf("\\n****** MENU ******\\n");

      printf("1. Insert\\n2. Delete\\n3. Display\\n4. Exit\\n");

      printf("Enter your choice: ");



         case 1: printf("\\nEnter the value to be insert:  ");




         case 2: deQueue();


         case 3: display();


         case 4: exit(0);

         default: printf("\\nPlease select the correct choice!!!\\n");




void enQueue(int value)


   if((front == 0 && rear == SIZE - 1) || (front == rear+1))

      printf("\\nCircular Queue is Full! Insertion not possible!!!\\n");


      if(rear == SIZE-1 && front != 0)

         rear = -1;

      cQueue[++rear] = value;

      printf("\\nInsertion Success!!!\\n");

      if(front == -1)

         front = 0;



void deQueue()


   if(front == -1 && rear == -1)

      printf("\\nCircular Queue is Empty! Deletion is not possible!!!\\n");


      printf("\\nDeleted element : %d\\n",cQueue[front++]);

      if(front == SIZE)

         front = 0;

      if(front-1 == rear)

         front = rear = -1;



void display()


   if(front == -1)

      printf("\\nCircular Queue is Empty!!!\\n");


      int i = front;

      printf("\\nCircular Queue Elements are : \\n");

      if(front <= rear){

         while(i <= rear)




         while(i <= SIZE - 1)

            printf("%d\\t", cQueue[i++]);

         i = 0;

         while(i <= rear)



