Data Structures and Algorithms - Old Questions
5. Compare stack with queue. How is linear queue different from circular queue?
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Comparison between stack and queue
Difference between linear queue and circular queue
1. The linear queue is an ordered list in which data elements are organized in the sequential order. In contrast, circular queue stores the data in the circular fashion.
2. Linear queue follows the FIFO order for executing the task (the element added in the first position is going to be deleted in the first position). Conversely, in the circular queue, the order of operations performed on an element may change.
3. The insertion and deletion of the elements is fixed in linear queue i.e. addition from the rear end and deletion from the front end. On the other hand, the circular queue is capable of inserting and deleting the element from any point until it is unoccupied.
4. Linear queue wastes the memory space while circular queue makes the efficient use of space.