Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions
7. What do you mean by knowledge representation? Explain the characteristics of representation.
AI is thinking...
Knowledge Representation is an area of AI whose fundamental goal is to represent knowledge in manner that facilitates inference i.e. drawing conclusion for knowledge. It analyzes how to think formally, how to use symbol to represent a domain of discourse along with function that allow inference about the objects.
Characteristics of knowledge representation:
i. Represential Adequacy:
It is the ability to represent all kind of knowledge that are needed in the domain.
ii. Inferential Adequacy:
It is the ability to manipulate the represential structure in such a way as to derive new structures corresponding to new knowledge inferred from old.
iii. Inferential Efficiency:
It is the ability to incorporate into the knowledge structure additional information that can be used to focus the attention of the inference mechanism in the most efficient directions.
v. Acquisitional Efficiency:
It is the ability to acquire new information easily.