Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions
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1. Define backward chaining. Explain the importance of backward chaining with two practical examples.
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When we have a decision and based on the decision if we fetch the initial dat that supports goal then the process is called as backward chaining. Backward chaining starts with a goal and then searches back through inference rules to find the facts that support the goal.
E.g. "If it is raining then we will take umbrella". Here we have our possible conclusion "we will take umbrella". If we are taking umbrella then it can be stated that " it is raining". Here based on conclusion we guessed that the data can be "it is raining". This process is called backward chaining.
- The system that uses backward chaining tries to set goals in order which they arrive in the knowledge base.
- While searching, the backward chaining considers those parts of knowledge base which are directly related to the considered problem or backward chaining never performs unnecessary inferences.
- Backward chaining is an excellent tool for specific type of problem such as diagnosing & debugging.