Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

2.  Justify that “System that think rationally” and “System that act rationally” are the part of artificial intelligence. Explain it with practical examples.

6 marks
Asked in 2072


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AI is thinking...

Official Answer

 “System that think rationally” and “System that act rationally”  measure an ideal concept of intelligence, which is called rationality.

System that think rationally

DefnThe study of mental faculties through the use of computational models.

The laws of thought are supposed to implement operation of the mind and their study initiated the field called logic. It provides precise notations to express facts of the real world.

It also includes reasoning and "right thinking" that is irrefutable thinking process. Also computer program based on those logic notations were developed to create intelligent system.

System that act rationally

Defn: “Computational Intelligence is the study of design of intelligent agents”
E.g. ”Rational agent approach” , agent is the one who decide what to do and then perform action by receiving percepts from the environment.