Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

2.  What is ‘Turing Test in AI? Criticize the performance of the ‘Turing Test’ to measure the intelligent of the machine.

6 marks
Asked in 2073


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Official Answer

The Turing test, proposed by Alan Turing  was designed to convince the people that whether a particular machine can think or not. The test involves an interrogator who interacts with one human and one machine. Within a given time the interrogator has to find out which of the two the human is, and which one the machine.

To pass a Turing test, a computer must have following capabilities:

  • Natural Language Processing: To communicate easily.
  • Knowledge Representation: To store facts and rules.
  • Automated Reasoning: To draw conclusion from stored knowledge.
  • Machine Learning: To adopt new circumstances and detect pattern.

Additional requirements for the “total Turing test”: computer vision, speech recognition, speech synthesis, robotics.

Critics of Turing test:

• Test is not reproducible, amenable or constructive to mathematical analysis as it is more important to study the underlined principles of intelligence than to duplicate example.

• Trying to evaluate machine intelligence in terms of human intelligence is fundamental mistake. It focuses too much on the behavior of conversation.