Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

5.  Define a natural language processing. Explain the different issues involved in the natural language processing.

6 marks
Asked in 2073


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Natural language processing is a technology which involves converting spoken or written human language into a form which can be processed by computers, and vice versa. NLP is composed of two parts: NLU and NLG.

Issues involved in the natural language processing are given below:

1. The same expression means different things in different context.

·         Where’s the water? ( Chemistry lab? Must be pure)

·         Where’s the water? ( Thirsty? Must be drinking water)

·         Where’s the water? ( Leaky roof? It can be dirty)

2. No natural language program can be complete because of new words, expression, and meaning can be generated quite freely.

·         I’ll fax it to you

3.  There are lots of ways to say the same thing.

·         Ram was born on October 11.

·         Ram’s birthday is October 11.

4.  Sentence and phrases might have hidden meanings

      “Out of sight, out of mind”-> “ invisible idiot”

      “The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak” - > “ the vodka was good, but the meat was bad”

5.  Problem due to syntax and semantics

6.  Problem due to extensive use of pronouns. (semantic issue)

      Eg. Ravi went to the supermarket. He found his favorite brand of coffee in rack. He paid for it and left.

      It denotes??

7.  Use of grammatically incorrect sentence

      He rice eats. (syntax issue)

8.  Use of conjunctions to avoid repetition of phrases cause problem in NLP

      Eg. Ram and Hari went to restaurant. While Ram had a cup of coffee, Hari had tea.

      Hari had a cup of tea.