Object Oriented Programming - Old Questions
8. What is this pointer? How can we use it for name conflict resolution?Illustrate with example.
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We can use keyword "this" to refer to this instance inside a class definition. One of the main usage of keyword this is to resolve ambiguity between the names of data member and function parameter. For example,
class Circle {
double radius; // Member variable called "radius"
void setRadius(double radius) // Function's argument also called "radius"
this->radius = radius;
// "this.radius" refers to this instance's member variable
// "radius" resolved to the function's argument.
In the above codes, there are two identifiers called radius - a data member and the function parameter. This causes naming conflict. To resolve the naming conflict, we could name the function parameter r instead of radius. However, radius is more approximate and meaningful in this context. We can use keyword this to resolve this naming conflict. "this->radius" refers to the data member; while "radius" resolves to the function parameter. "this" is actually a pointer to this object.