Simulation and modeling - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

12.  Write short note on:

a)      GPSS

b)      Server Utilization

5 marks
Asked in 2067


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- GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System) is a highly structured and special purpose simulation language based on process interaction approach and oriented toward queuing systems.
- The system being simulated is described by the block diagram using various GPSS blocks.
- Each block represents events, delays or other actions that affect the transaction flow.
- GPSS model is developed by converting the block diagram into block statements and adding the control statements.

The general blocks used in GPSS block diagram is shown in figure below:

b. Server Utilization

Server/System utilization is the percentage of the time that all servers are busy. System utilization factor (ρ ) is the ratio of average arrival rate (λ) to the average service rate (μ).

ρ = λ/μ in the case of a single server model

ρ = λ/μn in the case of a “n” server model

The system utilization can be increased by increasing the arrival rate which amounts to increasing the average queue length as well as the average waiting time, as shown in fig below. Under the normal circumstances 100% system utilization is not a realistic goal.